1 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi


TÜRKÇE (English text further below)

Meşhur 12 Eylül’ün “darbeci generalleri” yargılanıyor.
Sadece ikis hakim karşısına çıkabiliyor, çünkü sadece ikisi hayatta. Kenan Evren 95, Tahsin Şahinkaya 87 yaşında. Hastane yatağından, tele-konferans metoduyla kendilerini savunuyorlar.

 Tahsin Şahinkaya ve Kenan Evren tele-yargılanmada.
(Görüntü medyadan)
12 Eylül, Darbe, Darbeci kavramlarıyla ilgili naçizane görşlerimi fikir özgürlüğü hakkıma sığınarak bu siteden paylaşmıştım. (Bkz. "Ramazan, 30 Ağustos ve Bay İnanılmaz", 17 Ağustos 2012)
Sizlerle henüz paylaşmadığım bir yazımı burada bilvesile sunmayı uygun gördüm.

Yazıyı 8 Ekim 2010’da e-postayla Sözcü gazetesinde  köşe yazarı Mehmet Türker’e göndermişim.

“Sayın Mehmet Türker

 Geçen gün mutfağımızda badana yaparken yere serili gazetelerde bir yazı gözüme ilişti. 16 Eylül 2010 tarihli Sözcü gazetesinden sizin makalenizmiş.

 Uzun zamandır gazete okumayı, büyük ölçüde televizyon seyretmeyi bırakmış bir vatandaşım. Çünkü bir şey değiştiremediğim için sinirlerimi bozduğumla kalıyorum. Badana vesilesiyle perhizim bozulmuş oldu.

 Sözkonusu yazınızın başlığı 'Ülkeyi 12 Eylül’e götürenlerle kim hesaplaşacak?' idi.

 Yazınızı okudum ve herkesin ipe sapa gelmez bir sürü laf ürettiği bu ortamda kimsenin ağzından çıkaramadığı baklayı ifade etme cesaretini gösterdiğinizi gördüm ve içim ferahladı. Bunu için teşekkürler!

 Hükümetin ordumuza karşı takındığı tavrı anlamak kolay; amaçlarına ulaşmalarına engel olabilecek en güçlü kurumu tabii ki bertaraf etmek isteyecekler.

Muhalefettekilerin takındıkları tavrın da aynı düşünceyi yankılamasını anlamak ilk bakışta daha zor ('bütün 12 Eylül’lere karşıyız!'- CHP referandum sloganı!) Ama geçmişten bugüne siyasilerimizin geliştirdikleri stile bakınca izahat meydanda: “olur a belki bir gün iktidar bana geliverir, o zaman istediği gibi at oynatan ben olayım, ayağıma dolaşacak asker masker olmadan” düşüncesiyle 12 Eylül’ün belki de gerekli olmuş olabileceğini ima bile etmekten kaçınıyorlar. Hele ki ülkeyi 'uçurum ya da darbe' kavşağına getirenlerin siyasilerin kendi beceriksizlikleri (bulabileceğim en hafif kelime) olduğunu unutturmak için her türlü kıvırmayı hak görüyorlar. Kendi günahı olmayan ilk taşı fırlatsın!
12 Eylül’de ordu susup oturmaya devam etseydi, o gün nasıl bir gün olacaktı? Ya 13 Eylül? Ya 14’ü? Kaç kişi daha sokak ortasında vurulacaktı? ('Analar ağlamasın!') Kaç otobüs taranacaktı? Nereler yakılacaktı, bombalanacaktı? 12 Eylül 1981’e kadar ülke nereye varmış olacaktı? Ya da 82’de?

 Bir tarafta hükümetin yandaş bir basın ve kuklalaşmış adalet mekanizmasıyla son derece kompetan bir şekilde yürüttüğü Atatürk Cumhuriyeti’ni kökten değiştirme, hatta belki de tasfiye etme programı kapsamındaki iftiralar (evet, iftiralar; yoksa Ergenekon’a ve Balyoz’a inandınız mı?) bir taraftan muhalefetteki bugünlük Atatürkçülerin küçük hesapları ordumuzun elini günden güne zayıflatmakta. Cumhuriyeti ve ülkeyi korumakla görevli bir kurumun hiçbir zaman ve şartta müdahele etme hakkı olmadığı fikrine elbirliğiyle herkesi alıştırdılar. “İrtica ile mücadele eylem planı”  davası ile irtica ile mücadele suç oldu, irtica yasallaştı!

 “Anayasanın değişmez maddelerini de değiştirmeye başladıklarında hangi otorite “bunu yapamazsınız” diyecek ve yapmalarını engelleyecek?
 “Askerimize düşman olanlar tamamen dizginleri ele alınca kendi orduları olmayacak mı? “Ne takunya ne postal” derken postalları takunyalılar giyince artık çok geç olacaktır.

“Bana gelince, benim bu körlükten, bu nankörlükten, bu yalan dolan dolu laf kalabalığından, topundan sıktım sıyrıldı; mutfağın badanasına dönüyorum. Yere de artık aktüalite gazeteleri sereceğim!”
Sözümde duramadım,o günden beri gittikçe daha fazla gazete okur oldum. Yapılanlar karşısında insan kapısını kapatıp dünyadan kendini tecrit edemiyor ki!

Kenan Evren’in hasta yatağından yaptığı savunmasında şu sözler var:

“Demokrasi’nin olduğu yerde ihtilal olmaz. Siyasiler beceriksizliğini askere fatura etmeye çalışıyor. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri iktidar olma meraklısı değildir. Biz, o gün doğru olanı yaptık, bugün olsa yine aynı şekilde o ihtilali yapardık...”

(22 Kasım 2012 tarihli Sözcü gazetesinin ön sayfasından aktardım.)

23 Kasım 2012’de Sözcü gazetesindeki köşe yazısında Mehmet Türker son drercede büyük bir cesaretle şöyle bir başlık atmış:


Yazısında şöyle sözler var:

Bugün intikam çığlıkları atanların çoğu o yıllarda 5-10 yaşlarındaydı!..
Darbeye giden yolların taşlarının siyasetçilerin beceriksizliği, öngörüsüzlüğü, umursamazlığı, politik ve ideolojik hırslarıyla döşendiğinden habersizdiler...

Türkiye’nin bu siyasetçiler yüzünden ne denli bir kaos yaşadığını, insanların sokağa çıkmaya korktukları, İstanbul, Ankara ve İzmir gibi büyük kentlerde kurtarılmış bölgeler yaratıldığını bilmezlerdi!..


“...en kısa yoldan tarifini yaparsak, bugün yargılanması gerekenler darbeyi yapanlar değil, darbeye sebep olanlardır!..

“Darbe yapmak suç ise, onlar bu suçu bin defa daha fazla işlemişlerdir!..”

Gerisi palavradır!..

Bugün gördüğümüz ise, mangal yütrekli iki eski askerin cesareti, kararlılığı ve direncidir!..”

The footnote links do not work; you will have to scroll down to to the footnotes for expanded information. Opening the blogsite on two seperate windows and keeping one on the footnotes will make it easier to go back and forth. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm no expert!.
Other links should work.

The “putschist generals” of the famous September 12th are now standing trial- though “standing” is not the right word here.
The 95 year old Kenan Evren[1] and the 87 year old Tahsin Şahinkaya[2] are both in hospital, and could attend the trial session only through an electronic video connection. The other three members of the group who conducted the intervention and headed the “Council of National Security” in the ensuing period could were unable to attend attend, having long since passed away.[3]

Tahsin Şahinkaya (left) and Kenan Evren (right) on video- connected trial, having to take it lying down!
(Image from the media.)

Exercising my right to free speech, I have already shared on this site my views on September 12th, on coups, and on the “putschists” who conducted them. (See “Ramadan, August 30th, and Mr. Incredible”, from 17 August- Ağustos- 2012.)

Today I would like to share with you something I had written well before I even started this blog.

I had sent it by e-mail on October 8th, 2010, to columnist Mehmet Türker of the newspaper Sözcü, in response to an artcle he had written.

“Dear Mehmet Türker

“I was painting our kitchen the other day when, from among the newspapers spread out on the floor, an article caught my attention. It turned out to be your column in the Sözcü of September 16th, 2010.

“I am a citizen who has given up reading newspapers, and for the most part even watching television. Since I am powerless to change anything, I only end up ruining my nerves. This paint job caused me to break my fasting.

“The headline of your column was “Who is to settle scores with those who led the country to September 12th?”

“I read your article and, in these times where everybody seems to be babbling this or that kind of nonsense,  I was refreshed to find someone who has the courage to come out and say the one thing no one dares to spit out. For this I offer my thanks.

“It is easy to understand the negative attitude of the government towards our armed forces: it’s the strogest institution with the capacity to thwart their designs, so they naturally want to neutralize it.

“At first glance, It is harder  to explain similar sentiments voiced by the opposition. ('we are against every September 12!'- CH.P slogan for the referendum![4]) But looking at the style developed by our politicians over the years, their thinking becomes clearer: “maybe one day, it will be my turn at the top, then it’ll be my day to do as I please, and I certainly won’t want any nuisance, military or otherwise, to keep me in check.” That’s why they dare not even suggest that September 12th might have been necessary. They consider it their right to resort to every kind of verbal acrobatics to make us forget how their own incompetence (the kindest word I can find) brought the nation to the terrible choice of “revolution or the abyss”. 'He who is without sin, cast the first stone!'

“If the Armed Forces had not made a move on September 12th, what kind of a day would it have been? And the 13th? And the 14th? How many more would be shot on the street? (‘May mothers weep no more![5]) How many buses sprayed with bullets? How many more places burned, bombed? Where would the country be a year later, on September 12th, 1981? And in 82?

“On the one side we have a very skillfully staged program radically to transform and perhaps even liquidate Atatürk’s Republic, managed through slander perpetrated through a collaborationist press and a judicial system that behaves like puppets on strings. (Yes, slander, or do you really beieve the "Ergenekon" and "Balyoz" plot allegations?) Ranged against this are the “Kemalists by necessity”[6], whose own special secret agendas further weaken the hand of the Armed Forces. Together they have effectively cooperated in establishinga concensus that an institution, charged with defending the country and the Republic, has no legal right to take action to that end under any circumstance. With the case against  “the plan for action against regressive reactionary activity”, regressive reaction became legal while taking action against it became a crime![7]

“When they start tampering with the “unchangeable” clauses of the Constitution, what authority will be there to stop them?[8]

“When the reins are completely in the hands of those who have declared our armed forces the enemy, will they not muster an army of their own? It’s all very fine to say “neither clogs, nor boots”, but when clog-wearers exchange their clogs for boots, it will be too late.[9]

“As for me, I’ve grown sick and tired of all this blindness, this ingratitude, this load of empty talk, all of it; I am going back to painting the kitchen. And from now on, I’ll only spread the gossip papers on the floor.”

As it turns out, I couldn’t keep that promise for long. I have caught myself buying and reading newspapers more and more frequently. You can’t just shut your door and ignore all that is being done!

Answering charges from his hospital bed, this is what Kenan Evren had to say:

“Revolutions don’t occur where there is democracy. The politicians are trying to pass the blame of their ineptitude on to the soldiers. The Turkish Armed Forces has no ambition to run the country. We did what was right at that time, if it were today we would conduct the same revolution in the same way...”

(As reported on page 1 of the Sözcü newspaper of November 22nd, 2012.)

Writing for the Sözcü newspaper of November 23rd, 2012, columnist Mehmet Türker has displayed exceptional courage by heading his article with these words:


The following are excerpts from that aricle:

Those screaming for revenge today were mostly around 5-10 years old at the time!..

They are unaware that the way leading to the coup was paved with the ineptitude, the lack of foresight, the complacency, the political and ideololgical cupidity of the politicians...

“They did not now the kind of chaos Turkey has had to live through because of these politicians, how people were afraid to go out on the streets, how liberated areas were created in big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir!..[10]

...to put it simply, it is not the ones who conducted the coup that need be tried today, but the ones who caused it!..

“If a coup is a crime, they have commited it a hundredfold more!..

The rest is empty talk!..

“What we are seeing today is the courage, determination and resilience of two stout-hearted old soldiers."

[1] Full-General Kenan Evren was the Chief of Staff at the time.
[2] Full-General Tahsin Şahinkaya was the Commander-in- Chief of the Air Force.
[3] The other three members of the “National Security Council (Milli Güvenlik Konseyi) were Full-General Nurettin Ersin, commander -in-Chief of the Land Forces, Fleet Admiral Nejat Tümer, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, and Full-General Sedat Celasun, Commander-in-Chief of the Gendarmerie.  A referendum was held for a new constitution on Nov. 7th, 1982, and was approved with 91% in favor. This new constitution gave the presidency to General Evren for the next seven years- the standard legal term for that office in Turkey. The Council was dissolved after the elections of Nov. 6th, 1983, when Turgut Özal was elected Prime Minister. With Evren as President,  the remaining members of the “National Security Council” stayed on for six more years as the “Presidential Council”, in accordance to ”Temporary Law No. 2” of the new constitution. With General Evren’s retirement in 1989, the military-influenced interim period came came to a close.
[4] Referendum for the new constitution, as prepared by the majority party, the fundamentalist AKP It was held on September 12th, 2010, to coincide with the anniverary of Kenan Evren’s 1980 military intervention, a choice meant to be heavy with symbolism and meaning. The opposition CHP’s slogan, ostensibly meaning opposition to all un-democratic pressure, did little more than play into the AKP’s hands. The new constitution passed with less than 58% approval, as opposed to the 91% enjoyed by the 1982 constitution it aimed to replace. Even after the approval of the new constitution, changes have continued unabated. The CHP is the “Republican People’s Party” (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi).
[5] I allude here to the slogan the AKP used to endorse its appeasement policy with the PKK.
[6] Many Leftists, former Leninists and Maoists who expressed little or no sympathy to Kemal Atatürk at the time, are among the fervent Kemalists of today.
[7] “Regressive reaction” is my translation for irtica (“irtidjah”): in Turkish politics it means agitation with the aim of returning to the “Sharia” (İslamic religious law) and reverting to theocratic rule and lifestyle with a medieval flavor. “The Plan for Action against Regressive Reaction” was fırst “exposed” as an “conspiracy” against the government by the newspaper Taraf on June 12th, 2009.  Thereafter, it became a long-drawn court case within the framework of the infamous “Ergenekon” conspiracy inquests.
Taraf is the mouthpiece of Fethullah Gülen’s sect, also notorious for having launched the Balyoz (“Sledgehammer”) witchhunt with its headlines on June 20th, 2010. See “Balyoz- The Sledgehammer”, 6 Sept. (Eylül) 2012. For Fethullah Gülen, his sect, and the AKP’s agenda see the last part, “What is it all in aid of”, of my entry of 18 May (Mayıs) 2012 . “May 19th- Celebrating at All Costs”.
[8] “The “unchangeable” clauses of our Constitution are:1) The Turkish State is a Republic. 2) The Turkish Republic is a democratic, secular State under Rule of Law, in a spirit of national solidarity and of justice, respecting Human Rights, loyal to Kemalist Nationalism and to the main principles delineated at the beginning. 3)The Turkish State, with its nation and territory, compose an undivisible whole. It’s language is Turkish. It’s flag is the red flag with a white crescent moon and star, as specified in the relevant law. It’s national anthem is the “Independence March”. It’s capital is Ankara. 4) The declaration in clause 1, to the effect that the form of government is a Republic, those in clause 2 delineating the qualities of this Republic, and the precepts in clause 3 cannot be changed, nor may such proposal be voiced.
[9] “Clog wearer” (takunyalı) is a negative image of a Muslim fanatic. I allude here to the  slogan “no clogs, no boots” (Ne takunya, ne postal) of te Çağlayan meeting on April 29th, 2007. See  footnote 1 of “Reacting to the SledgehammerVerdicts”, 26 September (Eylül) 2012.
[10] Militant groups created areas of control, called “liberated areas”, where neither opponents nor government forces could penetrate.

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