6 Eylül 2012 Perşembe


TÜRKÇE (English text further below)

Meşhur Balyoz davası nihayetine eriyormuş. Sanıklar son savunmalarını yapıyorlar. Taraf denen ve başlıklarına her gözüme iliştiğinde tansyonum çıkan paçavranın 20 Ocak 2010 tarihli sayısıyla başlayan, emekli- muazzaf sayısız onurlu subayımızı tevkif edilmesine, bitmeyen duruşmalarda tekrar tekrar hakim karşısına çıkartılmasına, ordumuzun kumanda kademesinin tasfiyesine ve sebep olan süreç bir çeşit neticeye ulaşacak; en azından böyle bir beklenti var.

Taraf, 20 Ocak 2010.

Aydınlık gazetesinin 4 Eylül 2012 Salı tarihli sayısının 9. sayfasından Selim Özadalı'nın yazısını aynen naklediyorum.

"TSK’nın durumu ülke güvenliğini tehdit ediyor"

"Silivri Cezaevi’ndeki büyük duruşma salonunda İstanbul 10. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi’nce görülen Balyoz davasının dünkü duruşmasına sanıkların esasa ilişkin son savunmalarıyla devam edildi. Savunmasını yapan Hakim Albay Onur Uluocak, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin değil darbe yapmak, açıklama yapmaktan bile çekinir olduğunu belirterek 'İçine düşürüldüğü durum ülke güvenliğini tehdit eder hale gelmiştir' dedi. 

"Uluocak kamu vicdanının bu yargılamayı kabul etmediğini dile getirdi ve şunları söyledi: 'Bu dava suç ve cezaların şahsiliği ilkesinin bilerek ve isteyerek ayaklar altına alındığı, geçmişteki darbe, darbe girişimleri ve 28 Şubat benzeri süreçlerin hesabını sormak ve TSK’yı tasfiye ve terbiye etmek maksadına hizmet eden her türlü hilenin mübah görüldüğü, duruşmaları bir cezaevinde yapılan çok önceden planlanmış bir siyasi davadır. Ordu değil darbe yapmak, açıklama yapmaktan bile çekinir olmuş; içine düşürüldüğü durum ülke güvenliğini tehdit eder hale gelmiştir. Terör, vur-kaç stratejisinden kurtarılmış bölge yaratma stratejisine ilerlemiş, iç savaş nedeniyle yıkılmak üzere olan bir ülke, savaş uçağımızı düşürme cesaretini gösterebilmiştir. Koskoca Türk Ordusu, beyni yıkanmış, zavallı bir suç örgütünün tüylü, siyah bir örümceğe benzeyen elinde cinayete kurban gitmektedir. Heyetinize düşen sahteliği onlarca defa kanıtlanan sanal yazıları bir kenara iterek bu komploları kuran aşağılık terör örgütünü ortaya çıkarmaktır. Kararınız bu yönde olmasa bile, tarihin şaşmaz adaleti bu cinayeti ve işbirlikçilerini er geç ortaya çıkartacak, işkence ve milli müdafaya ihanet suçundan yargılayacaktır. Zira kusursuz cinayet yoktur.'”

"Komplo ürünü dava"

"Davada tutuklu yargılanan Kuzey Deniz Saha Komutan Yardımcısı Koramiral Abdullah Can Erenoğlu da 'Savunmanın tek tanığının dinlenmediği ve 2 yıldır tek bir tutuklunun bile tahliye edilmediğiancak toplu tutuklama ve toplu yargılamaların yapıldığı bu komplo ürünü davada haksız olarak tutuklanmam ve yargılanmam insan hakları ihlalidir' diye konuştu."

Aşağıda: 12 Eylül 2010'daki referandum'da sözümona "Darbe Anayasası" tasfiye edildi, ben gerçek darbecilerin yeni anayasayı pompalayanlar olduğuna inandığım için "hayır" denmesi gerektigine inanıyordum. Bu düşüncemi aşağıdaki animasyonla paylaşmaya çalıştım. 

Above: The government conducted a referendum on September 12th 2010, ostensibly to abolish the "undemocratic militarist constitution" of the 1980 coup in favour of a "democratic" one but really to clear the way even further for its own agenda, the dismantling of the secular state in favour of a theocratic, fundamentalist one. The "Balyoz" ("Sledgehammer") arrests and trials were already in effect, so I made the above short animation to point out that the real coup was being staged by government itself, and shared it on the net. The captions say "Now it is in the hands of the voter- a civilian response to a civilian coup- No!- for your response, go to the ballot box!"


On January 20th 2010, the newsrag Taraf, famously a mouthpiece of “the community” headed by emigré Islamist guru Fethullah Gülen, hit the newsstands with a hardly credible accusation: the Turkish Armed Forces, longtime opponent of radical Islamism, was preparing a coup of proportions unseen in the history of the Republic, involving the bombing of mosques and the shooting down of our own planes. The alleged codename forthe plot was “Balyoz” (“Sledgehammer”).

Taraf, January 20th, 2010.
"The Fatih Mosque was going to be bombed."
"We were going to shoot down our own plane."

Chief of Staff General İlker Başbuğ denied the whole thing as patently absurd, and even dared to use the threatening words “don’t try our patience!” He is now one of the 250 suspects awaiting verdict  in a seemingly endless series of trials launched by that article (the number does not include the officers held suspect in other cases such as “Ergenekon” and “February 28th”, and of course not the journalists, authors, academicians, and students who are incarcerated and tried in similarly large numbers). At one point their lawyers of the Balyoz cases, in protest of the unfair practices of the courts, refused to appear in the courtroom. The trials continued unabated, and the lawyers have found themselves indicted.

Frustrated by such treatment of personnel under their command, the commanders of the Three Forces, Army Navy and Air Force, resigned in 2011, leaving no candidate for the position of Chief of Staff. The government cooly promoted the commander of the Gendarmerie and appointed him to the position. Now General Necdet Özel is widely considered to be the government’s  willing stooge.

After two and a half years of far-fetched allegations, dubious evidence, and almost indiscriminate roundups, the  Balyoz trials are supposedly coming to a close. Many high ranking officers are disdaining to make a defence.
Yesterday’s Aydınlık, the most vociferous of the anti-government newspapers, reported these daring statements from the courtroom, from honourable men who refuse to bow to the whims of a kangaroo-court:
(from Aydınlık, Sept. 4th 2012, p.9)

“In making his defense, Col. Judge[1] Onur Uluocak... declaring that his conscience could not accept such a trial and went on ‘...the judicial principle that each suspect’s case must be evaluated individually, according to evidence pertaining to it, is consciously and willingly trodden underfoot. These are political trials, conducted in a prison[2], planned in advance, wherein every kind of trickery is seen as fair play in the quest for avenging past coups, coup attempts, and processes like “the 28th of January”[3] and the purging and taming of our Armed Forces. The Armed Forces no longer dare make a statement, let alone stage a coup, being reduced to such a sorry state that the very security of the nation is now under threat. Terrorism has moved from hit-and-run tactics to creating its own “liberated areas”.[4] A country on the brink of collapse in its own civil war has dared to shoot down our warplane.[5] The great Turkish Armed Forces is being murdered by the hairy, black, spider-like hands of a pitiful, brainwashed criminal organization.[6] The real duty of your committee is to push aside these documents, which have been proven over and over to be forgeries, and expose the detestable terror organization that has hatched these plots. Even if your verdict is otherwise, the unerring judgement of history will sooner or later expose this murder and its conspirators and try them for torture and treason against national defence. There is no perfect murder.’”

“Vice-Admiral Abdullah Can Eroğlu, second in command of the Northern Marine Area, tried in custody, has declared: ‘It is a violation of human rights that I should be tried in this case, hatched through a plot, where not a single witness for the defense has been heard, where not a single aquittal has occured in two years, where people have been rounded up and tried en masse.’”

[1] Judge in a military court.
[2] Silivri prison near Istanbul, where most of the suspects of the “Ergenekon”, Balyoz”, and similiar “conspiracy” suspects are held and tried.
[3] In the 90’s the Turkey was led for a time by a two-party coalition which had as its members the right wing D.Y.P. and the Islamist  R.P., with Necmettin Erbakan as prime minister. Suspicious of the direction the country was taking, the military made its presence known with tanks rolling through the streets of an Ankara suburb where fundamentalist activities were particularly pronounced. The National Defence Council- a military council concerned with national security and meeting once a week with the government, reached some important resolutions during its sitting on 28th of February 1997, all aimed at curbing fundamentalist İslamist  influences. The government was compelled to comply with these resolutions. Prime minister Erbakan resigned shortly after that. Since coming to power the A.K.P. has officially  labeled  the incident a ‘coup’, bringing the number of military coups in the history of our republic to four in ther reckoning. The participants, since retired, have been rounded up and are now standing before the judge in a seperate series of trials.  The National Securithy Council has long been dissolved by the A.K.P.
[4] PKK insurgents in the sutheast are attacking military outposts almost at will, raiding government buildings in towns, conducting their own spot-checks on the roads, abducting soldiers, citizens and even government officials, and setting vehicles on fire.
[5] On June 22nd 2012 a Turkish F4 E disappeared over the Mediterranean. There was speculation that it was hit by a Syrian missile, Syria claimed to have shot it over its own territorial waters with anti-aircraft guns. Under the A.K.P. regime, guided by U.S. interests, Turkey has taken a strongly belligerent attitude against  Bashar Assad’s government in Syria, welcoming and allegedly even training Syrian insurgents- ironic, considering Turkey’s own complaints regarding PKK insurgents slipping in from northern Iraq. Naturally, relations with Syria were already strained at the time and it is not clear what our fighter jet was doing in the area. Today's Aydınlık reports Prime Minister Erdoğan's inner pary speech, expressing hopes for a speedy conquest of Syria with "prayers in Damascus". Civilian government for you!
[6] Fethullah Gülen’s “community” (“cemaat”),  head  residing in the U.S., reaching not only into Turkey but spread out across the world.

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