29 Mart 2013 Cuma


TÜRKÇE (For English please scroll down.)

Nisan ayına geliyoruz, Prof Dr. Mehmet Haberal ve Prof. Dr Fatih Hilmioğlu dahil akademisyenlerin tutuklandığı "12. dalga"' 13 Nisan 2009'daydı neredeyse o zamandan beri dört sene tamamlandı. (Bkz. "Bayrak ve Kurdele", 30 Mayıs 2012.) Ergenekon düzmecesinin ilk harete geçirildiği Ümraniye 'de bulunan el bombalarından beri ise altı seneden iki buçuk ay eksik (12 Haziran 2007). Ergenekon sanıkları bu kadar zamandır, çoğu tutuklu, sayıları dalga dalga artarak, adaletin işlemediği duruşmalarda yargılanıyor.

Yine bir çağrı var, Silivri'ye!  8 Aralık 2013'te Ergenekon duruşmaları sonuca varacak, büyük ihtimâlle geçtiğimiz 18 Mart'ta "savcının mütalaasında" istenen müebbet hapis hükümleri verilecek. (Bkz. "Çanakkale Geçildi", 19 Mart 2013.) Bu rezaleti ya sessizce kabulleneceğiz, ya da olanları gördüğümüzü, tasvip etmediğimizi ele güne ilân ederek, sonuç ne olursa olsun, vicdanımız ve tarih karşısında aklanacağız. Ben gidiyorum. Silivri ceza infaz kampusunun menhus yüzünü tekrar tekrar görmeye bayıldığımdan gittiğimi de sanmayın!


April is approaching. It is almost exactly four years since the "12th wave" of the Ergenekon razzias, when academicians were targeted. That was when Prof. Dr. Mehmet Haberal, transplant surgeon and founder-rector of the Başkent University in Ankara, was detained, and has been in custody ever since. (See "The Flag and the Ribbon", May 30th, 2012.) Prof. Dr. Fatih Hilmioğlu, former rector of İnönü University in Malatya, was also arrested then and ise still in custody though he suffers terminal cancer. The whole Ergenekon mess was launched with a supposed "find" of grenades in a house in a district of Istanbul in June 12th 2007, two and a half months short of six years ago! All the journalists, intellectuals, academicians, and officers detained in this long, complicated plot have been awaiting the pre-ordained verdicts all this time.

There is now a call to all patriotic citizens who believe these trials to be a big frame job- a call to gather at the infamous Silivri prison outside İstanbul on April 8th, when the verdicts are expected to be announced. In all probability, there will be as many life sentences passed as were requested by the prosecution on March 18th. (See : "The Dardanelles Broken Through", 19 March-Mart 2013.) Either we swallow it quietly and disgracefully like spineless cowards or we raise our voices and declare to the world that we see the shameful injustice and disapprove! Even if we are ultimately unable to change anything, we will have cleared ourselves before our consciences and before history! I'm going to be there on the 8th of April, and it sure isn't because I miss the repugnant silhouette of the Silivri Penal Compound.

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