(For English text please scroll down.)
Uğur Mumcu cinayeti dosyasının zaman aşımı nedeniyle
artık rafa kaldırılıyor olması bu seneki anma etkinliklerine daha bir önem ve
anlam kazandırdı. Zaman aşımı süresini uzattırmak, hatta cinayet hâllerinde
büsbütün kaldırmak için gösteriler yapıldı.
Mumcu 24 Ocak 2012’de Ankara’da evinin önünde arabasına konan bir bombanın
patlamasıyla hayatını kaybetmişti.
(Görüntü medyadan.)
Tutuklamalar olmuş, cezalar verilmiş, ama
sonuçlar pek kimseyi tatmin etmemişti. Vikipedi (Radikal gazetesinden bir
habere dayanarak ) İslâmi Hareket, İBDA-C (“İslâmi Büyük Doğu Akıncıları
Cephesi”), Hizbullah ve PKK’nın eylemi üstlendiklerini aktarıyor. (http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/U%C4%9Fur_Mumcu ) Mossad ve CIA
bağlantıları görenler var. Öte yandan hükümetin savcıları Ergenekon bağlantısı
çıkarmaya bile çalışmışar (22 Ocak 2008’de tutuklanıp hâla tutuklu yargılanan
emekli Tümgen. Veli Küçük ile ilişkilendirerek.) Hükümet karşıtları ise cinayetin
arkasında- ister köktendinci olsun ister kapitalist-emperyalist, AKP’yi
ülkenin başına getiren güçlerin bulunduğunu düşünüyorlar.
Mumcu’yu ve onunla beraber diğer öldürülmüş veya
hapsedilmiş gazeteci ve aydınları anmak için birçok etkinlikler
düzenlendi. Biz, bize yakınlığından
dolayı Caddebostan Kültür Merkezi’ndeki programa gittik. Program CHP’li
Kadıköy Belediyesi tarafından hazırlanmıştı ve ücretsizdi.
(Görüntü kendi kameramdan.)
Program Uğur Mumcu hakkında görsel bir gösteriyle
başladı. Bilgisayarda bulunan video dosyalarını projeksyonla sunmaya, sesi de
kocaman hoparlörlerden vermeye çalışınca sesler anlaşılmaz bir uğultuya döndü.
Zaten bilgisayardan sunum yapılacaksa önceden iyice denemek şarttır. (Bundan
benim de çok kötü tecrübelerim olmuştur!) Seyirciler yuhalamalarla gösteriyi
durdurdu; bunu Uğur Mumcu’nun anısına bir saygısızlık saymışlardı ve zaten Kılıçdaroğlu’nun etkisiz
ve hatta işbirlikçiliğe varan sözde muhalefetinden dolayı CHP’ye karşı bir
hayâl kırıklığı hissediyorlardı. Belediye başkanı Selami Öztürk projeksyona
devam etmekte israrcı olmadığı gibi çok akıllı bir şekilde Kadıköy’lülerin dik
duruşlarını, bozuk bir şeyi kabullenmeyen karakterlerini methederek havayı
yumuşattı. Bir Kadıköylü olarak bu karakter analizini sevdim ve ben de
Salon çok büyük olmasa da büyükçedir ve oturacak yerler
dolmuş, insanlar iki tarafta duvar boyunca basamaklara taşmışlardı. Kadıköy
gittikçe yükselen bir köktendinci denizde Atatürkçü-lâik bir adadır zaten. Bu bağlamda Göztepe parkına cami yapma projesi bir ihtiyaçtan değil, bu adayı da boğma teşebbüslerinden biri gibi gözüküyor. Yedi sene önce Danıştay kararıyla iptâl edilen
proje şimdi ısıtılıp tekrar önümüze konuyor, 22 Kasım 2012’de Büyükşehir
Belediye Meclisi’nde AKP’li oylarla geçmiş. Ama adayı tehdit eden bir tsunami de “Kentsel Dönüşüm” ile geliyor olabilir! Eski imar normlarını hiç kaale almayan “depreme
dayanıklı” yapılar aynı alana daha çok insan sıkıştırmak, aynı yolları daha çok
otomobille doldurmak gibi deprem bölgesine uymayan sonuçlar getirmek dışında Kadıköy
toplum kesitinde de ciddi farklılıklar getirebilir. Yüzlerce yeni pahalı
daireyi servetini hükümete borçlu bir kesim satın alıp yerleşirse Kadıköy’ün
karakteri değişebilir, laik Atatürkçü kesim burada da azınlığa düşebilir.
Eski imar normlarını paralayıp geçen yeni yapılara Göztepe parkından bakış. (Bu yapıları başka açıdan görmek için bkz. "Kahraman Olmak", 17 Ocak 2013.)
(Görüntü kendi kameramdan.)
Belediye başkanı Öztürk’ün açılış konuşması ve gazeteci
Fikret Bila’nın Uğur Mumcu ile ilgili sunumundan sonra Sadık Gürbüz ve Selda
Bağcan’ın grupları eşliğinde verdikleri güzel konserleri dinledik. Yurtsever
şarkılar ve devrim şarkılarından oluşmuş programlarını sundular. (’80 öncesinde
bunlar birbirleriyle bağdaşmayan türlerdi,nihayet barıştılar!) Beni en
etkileyenler seyircilerin de katıldığı şarkılardı; daralan kuşatmada beraberlik
ve dayanışma duygusu alıyordum. Sadık Gürbüz’den sözleri güncelleştirilmiş Ankara Türküsü’nü ve Selda Bağcan’dan Aşık Mahsuni Şerif'in Sarı Saçlım Mavi Gözlüm’ü aşağıda
Birincisi:Sadık Gündüz'ün yorumuyla Ankara Türküsü
İkincisi: Selda Balcan'dan Aşık Mahsuni Şerif'in Sarı Saçlım Mavi Gözlüm'ü.(Kendi objektifimden.)
First one: Sadık Gündüz sings Ankara Türküsü ("The Ankara Song")
Second one: Selda Bağcan sings Sarı Saçlım, Mavi Gözlüm ("My Blond and Blue Eyed One")
(From my own camera.)
The footnote links do not work; you will have to scroll down to to the footnotes for expanded information. Opening the blogsite on two seperate windows and keeping one on the footnotes will make it easier to go back and forth. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm no expert!
Other links should work.
The footnote links do not work; you will have to scroll down to to the footnotes for expanded information. Opening the blogsite on two seperate windows and keeping one on the footnotes will make it easier to go back and forth. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm no expert!
Other links should work.
Uğur Mumcu was a journalist-writer who stepped on a lot
of toes with his articles and books. That’s why there were, and still are, a
lot of rumors and assumptions regarding his murder twenty years ago. He was victim of a car bomb on January 24th 1993; pieces
of his car and of his body were literally scatterd on the street in front of
his home in Ankara.
Uğur Mumcu and his car blown up car, Ankara, January 24th 1993.
(Image from the media.)
Several organizations claimed the act: Vikipedi (Turkish
Wikipedia)[1] quotes “Islamic Movement”
(İslami Hareket), İBDA-C[2], Hizbullah, and the PKK
There were a number of convictions but many people are dissatisfied with the results
and suspect CIA and Mossad connections in the murder. The government’s
prosecution has even attempted a linkup with the fictitive Ergenekon network .[3] The general consensus
among government opponents is that the murder has connections with some or
several of the powers, be they fundamentalist-Islamist or capitalist-imperialist,
that have brought the AKP to the head of our country.
The statute of limitations on the Mumcu murder was to run
out on this past January 24th, and there was an effort by his supporters and
followers, mainly opponents of the AKP regime, to extend the 20-year limit
for murder enquiries, or even lift that limit completely. Understandably, the day of
remembrance, organized annually, had a more empathic feel this time around.
Activities were organized at various centers around the country, and in the person of Mumcu, respects were paid to all murdered or jailed journalists and intellectuals.
We attended
the activity held at the Caddebostan Cultural Center[4] close by. It was
organized by the Municipality of Kadıköy: the mayor being from the opposition
CHP[5], it is understandable that
this Municipality should sponsor an anti-government event. Entrance was free and Mayor Selami
Öztürk made an introductory speech.
Assembled audience awaiting the start of the evening of remembrance for Uğur Mumcu and other murdered or jailed journalists and intellectuals, January 24th 2013, Caddebostan Cultural Center, İstanbul.
(Image from my camera.)
(Image from my camera.)
The medium-sized auditorium was full, with people sitting
in the aisles. The Kadıköy district is a stronghold of Kemalist secularism and
feels more and more isolated in a rising fundamentalist flood.[6]
The evening started with video presentations about Mumcu, projected from files stored in a computer, and as I have come to expect from too much reliance on computer technology, it was disastrous; the sound was distorted and the audience soon rebelled with hoots and jeers, indignant of what they took as disrespect for Mumcu’s memory. People also have pent up anger for the CHP for its inneffective opposition that goes as far as complicity.[7]
Mayor Öztürk calmed the storm, wisely choosing to praise the headstrong spirit of Kadıköy, unwilling to accept nonsense, and I am inclined to agree- if only because I desperately need something to be proud of.
There was a visiting guest[8] talking about the martyred
journalist, followed by concerts by two fine performers and their bands: Sadık
Gürbüz and Selda Bağcan. They performed a selection of revolutionary and
patriotic songs (incompatible genres before 1980, nice to hear them together
now- I think!) Especially moving were patriotic songs sung with audience participation, generating a
feeling of solidarity in the face of clear and present danger. Sadık Gürbüz performed
the traditional Ankara Türküsü
(“Ankara Song”) with a twist; originally a song of victory and a praise of
Kemal Atatürk, the words were in this case modified to fit modern
circumstances. Selda Bağcan sang the popular Sarı Saçlım, Mavi Gözlüm (“My Blond Haired, Blue Eyed One”), a song
of longing for the national hero Kemal Atatürk (who was blond and had blue
"Blond and blue-eyed one"- portrait by Mihri Müşfik Hanım (a.k.a. Mihri Rasim), lady painter (detail).
These two songs were sung together with the audience, which I found
quite poignant. I share those two songs here (videoclips above).
The lyrics can do with some clarification: Mustafa Kemal
started on his great quest to liberate and reform the country with a journey by
ship along the Black Sea coast, disembarking at Samsun.[9] Hence the line:
“...Bu gemi, bu
(“This ship, this Black Sea”)
“...bir daha gel,
gel Samsun’dan...”
(“...come, come once again from Samsun...”)
calling the departed hero to come and save the nation
again, as he had done in its darkest hour.
"...this ship...", the Bandırma.
“Ghazi” (one who has seen battle, a war veteran), “Pasha” (general)
“Mustafa Kemal” and “Atatürk” (Mustafa Kemal's surname after the introduction of surnames in 1934) all refer to the same person.
"Mahsuni", the name of the bard who wrote the song, appears within the last stanza in accordance with Turkish poetic tradition.
"Mahsuni", the name of the bard who wrote the song, appears within the last stanza in accordance with Turkish poetic tradition.
Vikipedi’s source for the organizations claiming the
murder is an article in the newspaper Radikal.
There is also an Wikipedia article in English with
somewhat varying content:
[2] İslami
Büyük Doğu Akıncıları Cephesi (“The Front of the Raiders
of the Great Islamic East”)
[3] Based on
claims of an informant, pointing at retired Brig. Gen. Veli Küçük, an Ergenekon defendant indicted Jan.22nd, 2008.
and held in custody since.
[4] CKM, Caddebostan Kültür Merkezi.
[5] Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, “The
Republican People’s Party”.
[6] The
government insists on building yet another showpiece mosque in the district’s
Göztepe park; the residents have so far held the project at bay by petitioning
against it. The park is inexplicably revamped each year; right now it is full
of construction equipment. Each time we pass by, we warily check for
excavatiions for a foundation. There is news that the construction of a mosque
of over 2500 m2 in a park of 8000 m2 was passed in the Metropolitan City Council on November 22nd, 2012 by the AKP majority. The project had already
been contested by residents and eventually suspended seven years ago by the
Council of State but here it is again, reheated and re-served.
The government’s Urban Renovation scheme, ostensibly
to make the city more earthquake-safe, has turned into a money making scheme
for contractors and property owning residents who stand to make a buck through
ownership of more flats in higher blocks. A secondary effect of the new
high-rises would be a demographic change through an insurge of a nouveau-riche
class that owes its wealth to the government. This would be a very effective
way of taking over a district that has long been a stronghold of an ideology
that the AKP is systematically working to undermine.
Hi-rises in the "eartquake-safe" Urban Renovation era, blasting all previous building codes! Viewed from the Göztepe park, undergoing renovations yet again and standing to lose almost a third of its area to an unwanted new mosque. (These are the same buildings that appear in footnote 10 of "Being a Hero", 17 January-Ocak 2013.)
(Image from my own camera.)
(Image from my own camera.)
[7] The
Labor Party, (İşçi Partisi, İP) , not even represented in parliament, is putting
up a much
more effective patriotic opposition and rapidly acquiring a following, at the expense of the CHP.
more effective patriotic opposition and rapidly acquiring a following, at the expense of the CHP.
[8] Fikret
Bila, journalist.
[9] May
19th, 1919. I have summarized this piece of history at the beginning of "May 19th, Celebrating at All Costs", 18 May- Mayıs 2012. Or just go straight to:
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