18 Eylül 2012 Salı


TÜRKÇE (For English text, please scroll down.)

Aşağıdaki yazı (ve resim) 6 Eylül 2012 tarihli Aydınlık gazetesinden alınmıştır.

“Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan, dün yaptığı konuşmada, ‘Kısa zamanda Şam’a gideceğiz ve Emevi Camisinde namazımızı kılacağız’ dedi.”

“Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan AKP Genel Merkezi’nde genişletilmiş grup toplantısına katıldı. Erdaoğan burada yaptığı konuşmada ‘İnşallah en kısa zamanda Şam’a gidecek, oradaki kardeşlerimizle kucaklaşacağız. İnşallah Emevi Camisi’nde namazımızı da kılacağız. Bilali Habeşi’nin, İbn’i Arabi’nin türbesinde, Süleymaniye Külliyesi’nde, Hicaz Demiryolu İstasyonu’nda dua edeceğiz’ dedi...”

Bu saldırgan sözler, Türkiye’yi Suriye üzerine salmak isteyen ABD’nin Genelkurmay Başkanı Martin Dempsey’in Türkiye ziyaretinden sadece birkaç gün önce. (Ve ABD dışişleri bakanı Hillary Clinton’un ziyaretinden birkaç hafta sonra!)

Yukarıdaki haberin yayınlanmasından üç gün önce ise (3 Eylül 2012) aynı gazete AKP iktidarı döneminde kurulan ve başka ülkelerdeki rejim karşıtı militanları eğitmeyi amaçlayan SADAT (Uluslararası Savunma Danışmanlığı) isimli “yasal” ve “ticari” bir kuruluşun fotoğraflı haberi çıkmıştı. (28 Ocak 2012 tarihli Ticaret Sicil Gazetesinde yayınlanmış, sicil no. 809300/0.) Kurucuları 28 Şubat sürecinde irticai faaliyetler nedeniyle TSK’dan çıkarılmış olan eski askerler! İrtica tehlikesine karşı 28 Şubat sürecini gerçekleştirmiş olan eski komutanların şu sırada mahkemede süründüklerini hatırlatmama gerek yok herhalde.

Komşumuzda olan çatışmaya katkıda bulunuyor, hükümetlerine başkaldıran silahlı militanları eğitiyoruz. Başbakan Osmanlı padişahlarının ağzıyla dine bulandırılmış fütuhat söylemlerinde bulunuyor.

Alın size seçimle gelmiş sivil hükümet. Hayrını görün!

The footnote links do not work; you will have to scroll down to to the footnotes for expanded information. Opening the blogsite on two seperate windows and keeping one on the footnotes will make it easier to go back and forth. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm no expert!.
Other links should work.

The Aydınlık newspaper of September 6th, 2012 reports Prime Minister Erdoğan as saying, in a speech delivered to AKP party members: “Allah willing, we will shortly be going to Damascus, and embrace our brothers there. Allah willing, we will perform our namaz[1] in the Ummayad mosque. We will offer prayers in the tombs of Bilal Habesh[2], Ibn-Arabi[3], the Suleimaniye complex[4], and the terminal of the Hedjaz railway.[5]

Prime Minister Erdoğan is not talking about a neighbourly visit- certainly not with relationships strained to breaking point. Our good civilian, democratically elected prime minister, his vendetta against the Turkish military nonwithstanding, is talking war, of conquest, with Islamic overtones (albeit against a Muslim neighbor) in the most obnoxious expansionist Ottoman fashion. 

As coincidence would have it, this speech was delivered just days before the arrival of the US Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey, and just weeks after the visit of US Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton.

It was a few days before this speech, the same newspaper reported the existence of a shadowy organization called SADAT (Aydınlık, Sept. 3rd, 2012). Created under the AKP regime as a legal trading company (as published in the Trade Register on Jan. 28th 2012, reg. Nr. 809300/0), this agency for “International Defense Consulting” offers training to militants abroad who have bones to pick with their governments. The founders of this company are ex-officers expelled from the Turkish Armed Forces for seditious reactionary activity after the famous resolutions of February 28th.[6] I need not point out to anyone that the commanders who passed the resolutions at the time are being hauled before the judges over and over again while the disreputable officers that were then sifted out of active service are now heading this government- endorsed subversive organization.

Our country is actively meddling with the internal affairs of a neighbouring country. What we are doing is no longer humanitarian aid, and certainly not mediation. What we are doing is subversion. And the Prime Minister is talking war and conquest, in a style that blends Ottoman imperialism with religious fervor.

Aren’t you glad this democratically elected civilian government is ushering in a non-militaristic age?

[1] Ritual prayer of the Muslims.
[2] Literally, Bilal the Ethiopian, one of the earliest followers of the Prophet Mohammed.
[3] 13th century Islamic mystic; a monumental tomb was erected for him by Ottoman sultan Selim I when he took the city in 1516.
[4] The 16th century mosque and adjoining buildings that are known as the Suleymaniye complex was built by Sinan, the most acclaimed architect of Ottoman Turkey. It was restored by Turkey some years ago. Prime Minister Erdoğan and Syria’s Bashar Assad visited it together,.
[5] The Hedjaz railway was built by the Ottoman government between 1903 and 1908.  The Prime Minister’s speech is meant to excite religious fervor as well as imperialistic Ottoman nostalgia.
[6] Sensing a mounting anti-secular tide in the political climate, the National Security Council, a military institution advising the government on security matters, passed some resolutions on February 28th, 1997. With a fundamentalist government in power, the officers responsible for the resolutions have been arrested and are being tried by not impartial judges. For more information see footnote 3 of  my article “Balyoz- The Sledgehammer”, 6 September- Eylül 2012.

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