28 Aralık 2024 Cumartesi


TÜRKÇE: (For English see "Bombs in Advent in the Holy Land", 14 Aralık- December 2023)

2021'den beri yeni bir şey yayınlamıyorum , iki seneyi kaçırdım yani. Önemli birşey olmadığından değil, başka ilgilerime ve aile işlerine vakit ayırdım.

Son paylaşımım 19 Aralık 2021'deydi ve bir yıl gecikmeli olarak seneki, yani 2021'in yeniyıl resmimizi içeriyordu, yani başında değil sonunda paylaşabildim. (Bkz: "Pandemonium", 19 Aralık 2021.) Güncel yeni yıl resmimiz o zaman hazırdı ama bugüne kadar bu blog'umda paylaşamadım. (İki paragraf aşağıda.)

2021 oldukça tatsız geçmişti, propagandanın tanıdığınızı zannettiğiniz insanları nasıl değiştirebildiğini gördüğüm hayat dersleriyle doluydu. İnsanların  kapanmalara, deli saçması gibi gelen "aşı" teknolojilerine kitleler hâlinde sorgusuz itaat ettiklerini görmek yeteri kadar kötüydü, şüpheci baktığım için bana düşmanca tavır almalarını beklemiyordum. Yukarıda bahsettiğim yazım için Facebook üzerinden girdiğim iki tartışmayı olduğu gibi kesip yapıştırdım; sadece isimleri değiştirdim. Beni ikna için bu kadar uğraşmaları çok şey anlatıyordu.

2022 yeni yılına kadar Metaverse'i ve Sanal Gerçeklik üzerine kurulan bir yaşam tarzınının olası Matrix-vari sonuçlarını öğrenmiş, insanları "Gerçek Gerçekliğe" dönmeye davet etmek gerektiğini düşünmüştüm. (Bkz."Esin Desen"'de "Yeniyıl 2022", 25 Aralık 2021.) 2023'e geldiğimizde ise Lâle'nin önerisiyle "uçup giderek aşırı teknolojiden kaçmak" arzumuzu ifade ettik. Bkz.: "Esin Desen"'de "Yeniyıl 2024", 14 Aralık 2023.)


2022 ve 2023 yeniyıl tebriklerimiz.

Hiç değinmediğim önemli bir olay Rus-Ukranya savaşıydı. 22 Şubat 2022'de başlamış sayılsa da savaşın tarihi Ukrayna'nın Rusya yanlısı cumhurbaşkanı Viktor Yanukoviç'in ABD destekli bir darbeyle indirildiği 2014'e kadar gitmektedir. NATO'nun doğuya doğru genişlemesi ve Ukrayna'nın o ittifaka katılma ihtimâli Rusya'nın varığını gerçekten tehdit ediyordu ve alevlenmenin sebebi de buydu. Savaş korkunçtu ve Batı medyası hemen Rus karsşıtı bir tavır aldı. Bizim medya da onların dediklerini tekrar ettiği için neredeyse iki senedir Rusya'nın çökmek üzere, Ukrayna'nın ise zaferin eşiğinde olduğuna ikna edildik! Biz ise, Montrö anlaşmasıyla korunan Boğazlar'ın iki yanına yayılmış oturan bir NATO ülkesi olarak özellikle kritik bir konumdayız. bu konuda burada bir paylaşımım olmadı ama başke yerlerde fikrimi açıkça belli ettim, şöyle ki: NATO ne derse desin tarafsız kalmalı, NATO savaş gemilerinin Karadeniz'e geçmelerini sınırlayan Montrö hükümlerine uymalı, hem Rusya hem de Ukrayna ile normal ilişkileri sürdürmeli, ve barışçı bir çözüm için elimizden geleni yapmalıyız. Neyse ki Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan aynen bunu yaptı, hatta İstanbul'da barış görüşmeleri gerçekleşmesine önayak bile oldu. (Mart 2022) Söylenenlere bakılırsa Birleşik Krallık başbakanı Boris Johnson Kiev'e alelacele uçup Zelenski'yi taviz vermemeye ikna ederek o barış ümidini boşa çıkarmış!


Montrö anlaşmasını bizi savaşa karşı koruyacak bir unsur olarak yorumlamıştım.

Sosyal medya mavi-sarı Ukrayna bayraklarıyla ve "Ben Ukrayna ile duruyorum" ("I stand with Ukraine") sloganlarıyla doluverdi. Bir ülkenin bir diğerini işgâl etmesine dünya kamuoyu tarafından verilen bu tepkiye şahit olmak çok güzel ama yine de daha fazla savaş, daha fazla silah çağrısı yapmak yerine diplomasiyle çözüm arayışı talep etmek  daha yararlı ve daha insancıl olurdu! Bana gelince, ben bencilce düşünüyor, bu işe bulaşmanın ülkeme getirebileceği felaketlerden korkuyorum. I. Dünya Harbi tecrübemiz çok ağırdı, ve o da donanmamızın Kırım-Sivastopol'u bombalanmasıyla başlamıştı. Bu defa eşekarısı yuvasına parmağımızı sokmadığımıza memnunum.

Derken 7 Ekim 2023'de Hamas Gazze'nin son derece yüksek güvenlikle korunan sınır hattını geçerek asıl İsrail'e geçmiş, vahşi bir saldırıyla rehineler toplamaya ve - İsrail'e göre- rastgele Yahudi kıyımına, tecavüzlere, kafa kesmelere girişmişler. Gerçekler ortaya çıkmaya başladıkça en az kafa kesmelerin doğru olmayabileceğini, tecavüzlerin kanıtlanmadığını duyduk. Ölümlere gelince (baştan 1400 iddia edilirken sonradan 1200 olarak düzenlendi) onların da ne kadarının müdaheleye gelen İsrail güçlerinin ateşiyle öldüğü çok belirli değil.

Sonra İsrail bütün gücüyle saldırıya geçti. Son sayıma göre sadece Gazze'de 18000 can kaybı oldu. (Bu sayı İngilizce makaleyi yayınladığım 14 Aralık 2023'tendir. Bugün 44 000'i geride bıraktı ve savaşın yayıldığı Lübnan'ı içermez. Enkaz altında ulaşılamayanlar da bunun dışındadır.) İsrail Batı Şeria'daki Filistinlileri, Lübnan'ı, hatta Suriye'yi bile tehdit ediyor ve bir yandan İran'a da ithamlar yağdırıyor. Batı güçleri İsrail'e tam destek vaadinde bulundular- ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar ebedi mazlum olarak kalma hakkını almışlar belli ki! Paylaşımlarını Ukrayna bayraklarıyla ve Putin karşıtı sloganlarla dolduranların çok azı Filistin'i destekleyecek, İsrail'i eleştirecek bir ifadede bulunabildi, ve bu da ne kadar iki yüzlü olduklarını göstermeye yeter! Neyse ki bu boşluğu dolduracak başka yürekliler oldu, çevre baskısı ve aşağılamalara kulak asmadan tepkilerini gösterdiler. Bunların birçoğunun Musevi olması adil ve hakça davranmanın ırk, din ya da milliyetle âlâkası olmadığını kanıtlar.

Prenses Yasemin de Arap kızıydı!

Bu noktadan itibaren şehirlerarası otobüs yolculuklarımdan birinde Avrupalı bir arkadaşıma yazdığım bir elektronik mektubu paylaşıyorum:


Anneme haftalık ziyaretimi yapmak için işte yine otobüsteyim. Söz verdiğim gibi bu vakti sana yazmak için kullanıyorum! Görüyorum ki İsrail'de olanlar seni çok etkilemiş. Benim için de öyle.Gerçi biz de bir Ortadoğu ülkesiyiz ama itiraf etmeliyim ki bugüne kadar Filistinlilere karşı çok duyarsızdım. Ülkemdeki Kemâlist kesim (ki ben de buna dahilim) Batı'yı el üstünde tutar ve Araplara karşı mesafeli durur, onun için Filistinlilerin durumu hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için fazla uğraşmadık. Bunun üstüne ABD medyası (ve orada yaşıyorsan Alman medyası) aracılığıyla üstümüze dökülen Musevi propagandası vesilesiyle ikna edildik ki: 1) Museviler daima merhametli ve insancıl oldukları hâlde ebediyen baskı altında tutulan bir ırktır ve 2) İsrail Avrupa ülkelerine denk uygar bir ülkedir, "Ortadoğu'daki tek demokrasidir", pis Araplar, geri kalmış Müslümanlarla kuşatılmıştır. Ben de bu tür düşünceden bağımsız değildim, ama İsrail'in Örovizyon şarkı yarışmasına katılabilmesini yine de biraz fazla buluyordum.

Erdoğan rejiminden hoşnutsuzluğum beni Arap dünyasından daha da soğuttu. (Ne ilginç tezattır ki Erdoğan ABD tarafındanTürkiye'yi islâmlaştırmak, milliyetçilikten uzaklaştırmak için özel olarak seçilmişti.) 2021'de ben ve eşim Nüfus İdaresi'ne giderek kayıtlarımızdan "İslâm" kelimesini sildirdik. Bir sonraki sene ülke Erdoğan'ı neredeyse deviren "Gezi" olaylarıyla sarsıldı. Kullandığı adamın artık kontrolü kaybettiğini düşünen ABD, artık ipini çekmeye karar verdi. Erdoğan karşı koydu, projede ortağı olan Gülen'le yollarını ayırdı ve zamanında kendi yardımıyla hükümete ve önemli kurumlara sızmış olan Gülen köstebeklerini ayıklayıp tutuklattı. ABD 2016'da bu sefer bir darbeyle Erdoğan'dan kurtulmaya teşebbüs etti, ama Erdoğan cep telefonu üzerinden yaptığı çağrıyla büyük bir direniş yaratarak bu teşebbüsü de boşa çıkardı.

O zamandan beri dinci ve anti-milliyetçi Erdoğan daha az dinci ama aynı zamanda milliyetçi Erdoğan'a dönüştü. Artık bütün hassasiyetlere cevap verdiği için (ki ABD'nin isteği bu DEĞİLDİ) toplumsal barış sağlandı ve muhalefet eskisi gibi gözü kararmış bir direniş yaratamıyor. Bu yeni istikrar ve toplumu oluşturan unsurlar arasındaki iç barış sayesinde Araplara sırt çevirme ihtiyacını o kadar duymuyorum. Günden güne Filistin'deki yaşam koşulları ve, bunun ötesinde, kendine "Ortadoğu'daki tek demokrasi" yakıştırmasını yapan malum devletin sosyal ve politik yapısı hakkında da giderek daha çok şey öğreniyorum. Ve bize ne kadar çok, ne kadar arsızca yalan söylemişler, inanamıyorum! Holokost'tan bahsetmiyorum; onun doğru olduğunu varsayıyorum, ya da çoğunlukla doğru, ya da herneyse! Ama ah ne insancıllarmış, ne kadar da ayrımcılığa uğruyorlarmış söylemi var ya...! O "Ortadoğu'nun tek demokrasisi" dedikleri kuruluşundan beri bir teokratik (dinci) apartheid (ayrımcı) rejimmiş! Bugün Museviler yaşadıkları her ülkede eşit vatandaşlık haklarına sahip, ama kendi ülkelerinin yerlilerine bu hakları tanımıyorlar. Bu kadar bariz bir ikiyüzlülüğü onyıllardır gözlerimizden kaçırmayı sağlamışlar. Ben şahsen ömrüm boyunca o daima aşağılanan Musevi ırkı hakkında kitaplar okudum, filmler seyrettim, ki bu da yarım asrın üstünde bir süre. Ayrımcılığın kötülüğü hakkında bu kadar çok şey söyleyen bir milletin böylesi bir kötülüğü başkalarına yapmaktan kaçınacağını varsaydım. Neler olmakta olduğunu öğrendiğim ölçüde şaşkınlığım artıyor. Bazı Museviler Filistinlilerin YOK EDİLMESİNİ isteyen şiddet mesajları paylaşımları yapmışlar. Böyle sözleri daha önce nerede duymuştuk?

Bugün Erdoğan'ın Filistin'in yanında durmasına hiç itirazım yok. Bir İslâm devleti kurma hayâlinden vazgeçtiğinden beri (umarım temelli vazgeçmiştir) kendisine daha az eleştirici bakıyorum. Alman şansölyesi Scholz'a Berlin'de söylediği dobra sözler hoşuma bile gitti: "Bizim İsrail'e borcumuz yok...  Borçlu olanlar rahat konuşamıyor... Biz Holokost cenderesinden geçmedik." Gün gelip de Erdoğan'ın bir konuşmasını beğeneceğim aklıma gelmezdi.

Görünüşe bakılırsa benim de içinde bulunduğum grup, yani Kemâlistler, ABD tarafıdan Erdoğan'ın yerine aday yapılmış. Ben ve eşim gördüğümüz herkesi ikna etmeye çalışıyoruz ki gerçek düşmanımız ABD derin devletidir, ama onlar meseleyi basite indirgeyerek Erdoğan'dan kurtulursak herşeyin düzeleceğine inanmayı tercih ediyor. Korkum şudur ki bir gün muhalefet kazanırsa ülkeyi ABD, İsrail ve Ukrayna yanlısı, Filistinlileri unutan bir tarafa çekecektir. Ama neyse ki çoğu bütün "Atatürk" söylemlerine rağmen o kadar sığ, beceriksiz, onları destekleyen Yankiler  de bu toplum hakkında o kadar cahil ki her seçimde yüzüstü düşüyorlar! Ben benim gibi Kemâlist olanlara çok kızıyorum çünkü milli birliğin çok önemli olduğu şu günlerde siyasi kazanç uğruna milleti "biz ve onlar" diye bölmeye çalışıyorlar.

İstanbul'a vardım. Dönüş yolunda devam ederim.

Bugün Pazar,otobüsteyim, dönüş yolundayım... Sana bu kadar uzun bir cevap yazıyorum çünkü böylelikle hem kendimi biraz yargılıyor, hem de düşüncelerimi toparlıyorum. Ayrıca blog'umda da yayınlayabilirim!

29 Ekim'de, yani o meşur 7 Ekim'den aşağı yukarı üç hafta sonra, Cumhuriyet'imizin 100üncü yılını kutladık. Önemsendi tabii ki. Ondan bir gün önce Erdoğan Filistin'i desteklemek için dev bir miting düzenledi ve kendi destekçileri doluştu. 1,5 milyon kişi deniyor ve öyle de gözüküyor. Muhalif troller küçümsediler ve lâik Kemalistlerin Arap antipatilerine hitap etmeye çalıştılar. Erdoğan'ın bir de ünlü konuğu vardı: Yusuf İslâm (Cat Stevens). Eski hayran kitlesinden çok farklı ama coşkulu bir kalabalığa konuştu; eski hayran kitlesi de bu ziyaretle hiç ilgilenmemişti zaten. Hatta bu ziyaret medya'da da çok az yer aldı. Ben de bir YouTube videosundan öğrendim, Facebook'ta paylaştım, onu da ipleyen olmadı! Eskiden oy verdiğimiz (ve eşimin bir süre üyesi olduğu) Vatan Partisi de 29'unda, yani bayram günü, bir miting yaptı, medya onunla da pek ilgilenmedi. Partinin kendi gazetesi ve kanalı haber yaptı, ama o gazete pek bulunmaz, kanala da reklâm veren çıkmaz. Partinin de varlığını bilen azdır zaten.

Hem Türk toplumunda, hem Ortadğu'da hem de dünya genelinde büyük bir tehlike, İsrail-Filistin çatışmasının iki taraf (ve destekçileri) tarafından dinler arasında bir çatışma olarak yorumlanmasıdır. Bu durumda her iki taraf da kendini "gerçek ve doğru dini savunan", karşı tarafı da "zındık" olarak görecektir. Sosyal medya'd gördüğüm yorumlar da bu tehlikenin gerçekleştiğini kanıtlıyor. Hayatın ve yaradılışın sırları insan kavrayışının ötesinde olup hiç bir din ve inanç tarfından izah edilemeyeceğinden herhangi bir tarafn üste çıkması bir inancın doğru, diğerinin yalnış olduğunun kanıtı olamaz, ama insanlar öyle algılayacaklardır. Ve bağımsız, özgür bir Filistin de büyük olasılıkla bir din devleti olacaktır! Hayır, bunu bir TEOKRASİ- LÂİK çatışması olarak yorumlamak gerekir.

Ve bu da beni tekrar 100 yaşındaki Cumhuriyet'imize getiriyor; İsrail'den çeyrek yüzyıl önce teokratik, çok uluslu, padişahın aynı zamanda halife olduğu, çoğu cahil ve imamın her dediğine inanan bir halkın yaşadığı bir imparatorlukta kurulmuştu. Harplerden sefil düşmüş bu geri kalmış ülkede Mustafa Kemâl eşit vatandaşlığa dayanan lâik bir cumhuriyet kurmayı başardı ki bu eşit haklar- oy hakkı dahil-  kadınları da kapsıyordu. Şeriat'ı, hatta hilafeti de kaldırdı ve ülkenin yerlisi olan herkesin kanun karşısında eşit vatandaş olduğu bir sistem kurdu.

Sadece İsrail'e şahit olmak bile Cumhuriyet'imizin 100üncü yılını kutlamak için sebeptir. Bizim Cumhuriyet'imizden çeyrek asır sonra kurulan, nüfusunda çok sayıda eğitimli Avrupalı bulunan İsrail kura kura apartheid (ayırımcı), din kanunlarının bizim eski Şeriat'ta olduğu gibi devlet kanunları olduğu bir teokrasi kurabildi. Çok geç incelemeye başladığım bu İsrail fenomeninde evlilik kanunlarını okuyunca çok şaşırdım. Birleşik Krallık Filistin mandasını alınca Osmanlı kanunlarına kaldırmamış, İsrail de bunları aynen devralmış. Buna göre halk dinlerine göre "milletlere" ayrılır ve hepsinin kendine özgü hukuku vardır. Nikâh sadece o milletin din adamı tarafından kıyılabilir; müslüman milletinde imam, hristiyan milletinde rahip, musevi milletinde haham. Dinler arası evliliklerde evleneceklerden birinin din değiştirmesi gerekir. Bu anlayışı İsrail toplumuna uygularsak museviler dahil herhangi birisinin kendi toplumu dışında evlenmesi imkânsıza yakın olur. (Musevilerin din değiştirme konusuna nasıl baktıklarını düşünün, kendi dinlerine olsa bile!) Bunun yanında nikâh sadece "kitap dinlerinde" mümkün. Budist olan İsrail'de evlenemez. Okuduğuma göre İsrail'de bizdeki gibi resmi, devlet nikâhı yok.

Cumhuriyet'imizin 100üncü yılı için yaptığım resim. İşte Bunu doğru yaptık!


Museviler bu hak ve imtiyazlardan her ülkede istifade ediyorlar. Buna bütün nikâhların resmi nikâh olduğu Türkiye Cumhuriyeti de dahil. (Aileler arzularlarsa ayrıca bir dini nikâh yapabiliyorlar.) Ancak yeni öğrendim ki Museviler bir yandan kendilerinin başka ülkelerde yararlandıkları hak ve imtiyazları kendi ülkelerinin yerlilerinden esirgerken bir yandan da "anti-Semitizm"'den yakınıyorlar.

2024 Yeniyıl mesajımız.

14 Aralık 2023 Perşembe


 ENGLISH (Türkçe için bkz.: "Kutsal Topraklarda Bombalar", 29 Aralık 2023.)

I haven't posted anything here since 2021, missing two new years. It's not that nothing significant happened; rather, I have given more time to other interests and family affairs.

The last post was in on Dec 19th, 2021, and started with our new year illustration for that year, that is, 2021, which I ought to have shared a full year earlier, when we were about to enter that year and not ending it! (See: "Pandemonium", 19 Aralık-December 2021). By then our new year illustration for 2022 was ready, but I didn't share it on this blog until today. (See below, two paragraphs down.)

2021 had gone on quite badly, and for me it was a life lesson on how propaganda could change people you think you know! It was hard enough to see people willingly submit in droves to lockdowns and a crazy sounding new "vaccine" technologies, it was a blow to see them turn against me when I expressed doubt and suspicion. For my said article of Dec. 2021 I simply copied and pasted two Facebook discussions in their entirety, changing only the names. Their insistence on trying to persuade me said a lot. 
By Newyear 2022 I had heard about the Metaverse and the Matrix-like implications of a virtual reality lifestyle, and thought it right to invite people back to "real reality". (See: "2022-Newyear" on "Esin Desen", 25 Aralık-December 2021.) When we reached 2023, on Lâle's suggestion, we expressed our wish to "fly away from all the excessive technology". (See: "2023-Newyear" on "Esin Desen", 26 Aralık- December 2022.) 
Our newyear messages for 2022 and 2023.

One major event I never wrote about was the war Russo-Ukranian war, which apparently broke out on February 24th, 2022 but had really been going on since February 2014, when a US-supported coup ousted Ukraine's Russia-friendly president Viktor Yanukovych. The eastern expansion of NATO with Ukraine as a prospective NATO membership was clearly an existential threat to Russia and that led to the conflagration. The war was horrific, and the western media clearly took an anti-Russian position- which spilled over to our media, so that for almost two years we have been under the impression that Russia is collapsing and Ukraine's final victory is imminent! For us, as a NATO country sitting asitride the Straits (Bosphorus and the Dardanelles) that are protected by the Montreux convention, the situation was especially critical. I never shared my thoughts about it here but I did make my views clear elsewhere: that we should stay neutral, no matter what NATO says, stick to the conditions of the Montreaux accords (which limits the access of NATO warships into the Black Sea), maintain normal relations with both Russia and Ukraine, and do what we can for a peaceful solution. Happily, President Erdoğan has done just that, even brokering peace talks in Istanbul. (March 2022) That process was reportedly shot down by no less a figure than Boris Johnson, who flew to Kyiv to persuade President Zelensky not to compromise!
 How I saw the Montreux accord as safeguard against involvement in the war.

The social media quickly filled up with blue-and yellow Ukranian flags with the motto "I stand with Ukraine". It is nice to see the world public opinion so sensitive about a land being attacked by another, though it might have been wiser, more useful, and more humane to call for diplomacy rather than more war and more weapons! For me, selfishly, I wanted my country to be spared the horrors that our involvement might entail- the experience of the First World War was a hard one, and that started with our fleet bombing Sebastopol- Crimea. I was  glad we chose not to poke that hornet's nest this time around.

Then on October 7th, a group of Hamas militants from Gaza crossed the closely watched high-security demarcation into Israel proper and went on a kind of rampage, taking hostages and- according to the Israelis- randomly slaughtering, raping and beheading Jews. As the truth unfolded, we learned the beheading bit was probably untrue, the rapes not really proven, and as for the deaths (Israel first claimed about 1400, then revised to 1200), it is not clear how many died from "friendly fire".
Then Israel attacked with full military force. The last count is about 18000 in Gaza alone, and Israel is also taking on the Palestinians in the West Bank as well as Lebanon and even Syria while hurling accusations at Iran! The Western powers have pledged full support to Israel- is it because they are eternal victims whatever they do? Of all the people who adorned their social media posts with Ukranian flags and anti-Putin slogans few if any dared dared raise a voice for Palestine or criticising Israel, demonstrating how two-faced they are! To be fair, others have filled the breach, in spite of peer-pressure and sensure, and these include many, many Jews which proves justice and fairness do not have a race, religion or nationality.

I drew this to remind people Jasmin was also an Arab girl!

For the rest, I am pasting a texted correspondence I had with an European friend while taking intercity buses:

Hello ..., 

Here I am on the bus to Istanbul, for my weekly visit to my mum! As I promised, I am using my time to write to you! I see the events in Israel had a great effect on you. Same here. Though we too are a middle-eastern nation, I must confess I have been very insensitive towards the Palestinians. Because the Kemalist portion of the population (to which I belong) adulates the West and seeks to distance itself from the Arab world, we have not made the effort to learn much about the condition of the Palestinians. Moreover, Jewish propaganda, poured over us mostly through US media (but also German, if you live there) has persuaded us that: 1) The Jews are the eternally oppressed race, even though they are always so kind and humane, 2) Israel is a civilized nation, on par with Europe, "the only democracy in the Middle East", surrounded by a sea of dirty Arabs, uncivilized Muslims. I was not free of this kind of thinking, even though I thought it a bit of a stretch that Israel is admitted to the Eurovision Song Contest.

My dislike for the Erdoğan regime made me distance myself from the Arab world still further. (Ironically, Erdoğan was hand-picked by the US to Islamize and de-nationalize this country!) In 2012 my wife and I went to the Civil Registry Office and had the word "Islam" erased from our records. A year later the "Gezi" uprising shook the country, almost toppling Erdoğan. Seeing their protégé was losing control, the US tried to flush him down the drain. Erdoğan fought back, broke off with his partner Gülen, and started fishing out and arresting the Gülen "moles" who had infiltrated the government and key institutions with his help. In 2016 the US attempted to remove him with a coup, which failed because Erdoğan managed to whip up a huge resistance over cell phone.

Since then the Islamist and anti-nationalist Erdoğan has become the less radically religious but also nationalist Erdoğan. Because now he covers all bases (which was NOT what the US wanted) there is social truce, and the opposition just can't whip up the frenzied resistance of before. With the new stability, and the truce between the various elements of our society, I am less inclined to turn my back on the Arabs. From day to day I am learning more and more not only about the conditions in Palestine, but also about the social and political structure of that "only democracy in the Middle East"! And I can't believe how much and how brazenly they have been lying to us! I am not referring to the Holocaust; I am assuming that is all true, or mostly true, or whatever. But that they are oh so humane, yet are still discriminated against...! That so-called "only democracy in the Middle East" has been a theocratic apartheid state since it's inception! Jews enjoy full equal citizenship in every country they live in, but don't recognize those rights to the natives of their own country. In spite of this glaring hypocrisy, they have been able to pull the wool over our eyes for decades! I for one have certainly been seeing films and reading books about the ever-maligned Jewish race all my life, so that's already over half a century! I always took it for granted that a people who had so much to say about the evils of discrimination would themselves avoid behaving that way. The more I learn of what is happening, the more I am schocked. Then there is the violent posts of some Jews that call for the ANNIHLATION of the Palestinians! Where did I hear that kind of talk before?

Today I have no objections to Erdoğan siding with Palestine. Since he suspended (I hope completely abandoned) his dream of an Islamic state, I am less critical of him, and actually enjoyed his blunt speech delivered in Berlin in the presence of Kanzler Scholz. "We owe no debt to the Jews, we did not go through the trauma of the Holocaust. You cannot speak freely because you owe them a debt." I never thought I would see the day I liked an Erdoğan speech!

The demographic group I belong to, the Kemalists who support a secular nation-state, have apparently been selected by the US as the alternative to Erdoğan. My wife and I try to persuade everyone we see that the real enemy is the US deep state, but they choose the simplistic view, believing getting rid of Erdoğan personally will remedy everything. I'm afraid that if the US-backed opposition ever wins, it will pull the country to a pro-US, pro-Ukraine, pro-Israel, forget-the-Palestinians position. Fortunately, for all their talk of "Ataturk", many are so shallow, so clumsy, and the Yankees supporting them so ignorant of this society,  that they fall flat on their faces at each election! I am angry at my fellow-Kemalists for trying to divide the country ("us and them") for the sake of political gain at a time when unity is so important.

Arrived in Istanbul. More on the way back!

Sunday, on the bus again, returning... I am giving you such a long reply because it also helps me do some soul-searching and arrange my thoughts. I might also publish this on my blog!

On Oct. 29th, about three weeks after that fateful Oct. 7th, we celebrated the centennial of our Republic. It was a big deal, of course. Our conservative President Erdoğan held a massive rally for Palestine on the day before, attended by a sea of Erdoğan supporters- they speak of 1,5 million and it looks it. Trolls of the Kemalist opposition tried to belittle it, playing on anti-Arab sentiments of the secular Kemalists. Erdoğan had a celebrity guest, Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), who delivered a speech to a raving crowd very different from his erstwhile fans- who ignored his arrival totally. In fact there was hardly any mention of his arrival and attendance in the media. I only learned of it from a YouTube clip, which I shared on Facebook, and was likewise ignored! The Vatan party, which we used to vote for (and my wife even joined it for a while), held another rally for Palestine on the 29th, the day of the celebrations. It was also largely ignored by the media-except for the party's own newspaper, which you can hardly find, and their own TV channel, for which they can hardly find advertisers! The party itself is also largely ignored.

There is a very real danger, in Turkish society, in the Middle East and in the world, that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be interpreted as a religious conflict, both sides (and their supporters) seeing it as the believers of "the only true faith" struggling against "the infidels". The comments on social media demonstrates that this is the case. Since it is impossible for any religion of Man to explain the mysteries of life and creation- because they are unfathomable for us- no outcome can prove the validity of one faith rather than another, but that's the way it will be seen. And an independent, free Palestine will probably also end up a theocracy! No, indeed, this should be seen as a WAR BETWEEN SECULARISM and THEOCRACY! 

Which brings me back to our 100 year old Republic. It was founded a quarter of a century before Israel, in what used to be a theocratic, multi-ethnic empire with a Sultan that was also the Caliph of Islam, and a largely illiterate population that believed whatever their Imam said. In that backward country, depleted by wars, Mustafa Kemal managed to fashion a secular republic based on equal citizenship, extending full equal rights- including the right to vote- to our women. He shook off the burden of Islamic law- he even shook off the Caliphate- and brought in a system where every native is a citizen and equal before law.

Witnessing Israel alone should be cause alone to celebrate the centennial. Coming a quarter of a century later, with a population that had a lot of educated Europeans who should have known better, Israel created an apartheid theocracy, wherein religion IS the law- just as the Sharia used to be with us. Belatedly studying this phenomenon called Israel, I read up on the Israeli marriage laws. I was amazed they were still applying Ottoman laws, which the British hadn't changed when they had the mandate for Palestine and the Israelis simply took them over. Accordingly, the population is divided into "millets", i.e. religious communities, each with its own laws. Marriages may only be performed by the clergy of the "millet" in quesion; an imam for the "millet" of Muslims, a priest for the "millet" of Christians, and a rabbi for the "millet" of Jews. In the case of cross-denominational marriages, one of the pair must convert. Applying this to Israel means it must be near impossible for anyone, even Jews, to marry outside their community. (Consider Jewish views on conversion, even to their own religion!) Furthermore, the sacrament of marriage is only available to "the faiths of the Book". You can't get married there if you are a Buddhist! I read that there are no civil marriages in Israel!

My drawing for the 100th year of the Turkish Republic. We did that right!

These are rights and privileges Jews enjoy everywhere else- including in this country of ours, the Turkish Republic, where the only legally binding marriage is the civil marriage. (Families may add an extra religious ceremony if they so wish!) I have only now learned that the Jews are and have been depriving the natives of their country of rights and privileges they enjoy elsewhere, all the while complaining of "anti-semitism"!

Our newyear message for 2024.

19 Aralık 2021 Pazar



2021 just kept going the way 2020 ended, except that the promised "vaccines" became a reality, with the mRNA technology being massively pressed upon the population, as if traditional inactivated virus versions simply did not exist. (Not to mention possible treatments like the inexpensive Ivermectin!) I started the Pandemic with as much terror as anyone else but the more it dragged on, the more I saw and heard, the more sceptical I became. (See: "2021-Newyear")

Our Newyear illustration for 2021.

As the year wore on, opinions became divided, splitting the populations along pinprick lines! And I found I was losing friends at an alarming rate! At a time when my American friends believed they were acting like heroes when pelting their president with insults, but only because it was officially allowed and even encouraged, I got a heavy dose of abuse from erstwhile friends for my Facebook posts- so much for freedom of thought! Rather than go through the controversies of the year, I decided to repost two of my posts and the comments I received. The posts are public, anyone can see them, but I will change the names anyway!

This post was against vaccination of children, posted on June 6th, 2021:

Caption inside picture: "Our children are not guinea pigs!", caption above picture: Hele genetik olanları asla! ("Especially not the genetic ones!") All captions were in Turkish only! It got fourteen thumbs up and one heart!

Lukas Wojik

Tash, you are disappointing all your friends. This is unworthy of you.


Whoever said people have to agree all the time? When new circumstances arise, people may well see things differently, because we all have the freedom to form our opinions based on what we see and hear. Basing one's own opinions on what one's friends think is another word of peer pressure, and good friends don't pressure each other. Didn't you recently post "if they don't like them, they can go somewhere else"? (And 5 people gave a thumbs up. Amazing!) Mind you, I will never say that. (Thumbs up: 4)

Christopher Highbury


Christopher Highbury


Rachel Morgenstern

The MRNA ones are best, if you can get them. I took AstraZeneca and was lucky to get two shots. (Thumbs Up: 1)


I don't trust the genetic technologies. But people are free to asess the potential benefits and risks. Children have no choice, and they are our future. It is nice to keep your friends but the health of our children (who are not even particularly at risk) is more important!

Rachel Morgenstern

Tahsin, children get measles and mumps and rubella vaccines. 53 years ago I saw my father nearly die of shingles in his throat after my sister and I got chicken pox. Children died often, and young, before vaccines. And the genetic technology has been developed over ten years and is safer than the traditional organic vaccines. But I took AstraZeneca because it was all I could get. I also have five friends, including two close ones who had covid 19. Two are long haulers. The long term effects are horrible.

Rachel Morgenstern

I agree with you on one point. It's more urgent to vaccinate adults than children.


Both I and Lâle got knocked down with high fevers. We imposed quarantine on ourselves for several weeks until we were better. Felt like the flu, it might or might not have been Covid. No medication, just relaxed, had soup and citrus fruit until we felt fine again. Perhaps it wasn't the famous Covid but the official government statistics reveal that most people infected with it get well with minimum symptoms. The same statistics also reveal that minors are much less severely affected. Child care facilities have remained open most of the time. It is undisputed that the vaccines only have an "emergency use authorization", and that is because the long-term effects, possible interaction with other medication, with pre-existing health problems, and whether any adverse effect may be passed on to the next generation, have not been sufficiently researched. The "telescoping" procedure advocated by Mr. Gates makes that impossible. The targeted children are healthy. This is no longer an abstract issue, it involves the next generation of this country, in other words, its future!

Rachel Morgenstern

You very possibly just had the flu. Or you possibly had a mild case of covid 19. But the new variants can re infect people who have already had it.

Rachel Morgenstern

You got a polio vaccine and TB vaccine when you were a child.

Rachel Morgenstern 

The vaccines have emergency use authorization because we are in an emergency. Moderna and Pfizer have filed for full authorization with the FDA. The UK just reported ZERO deaths from covid 19. They use AstraZeneca. Stay safe.


Whatever vaccines I have had have been in use for years before I got them. I heard this thing about the possibility of being succumbing to the same disease after going through it. If that is true, I don't see how a vaccine can help, since overcoming the illness is the best vaccination. You also, stay safe!

Christopher Highbury

Great drawing! Great message! 


I was prompted by a news item on TV about starting the vaccination of children in this country. My country, our kids; couldn't just sit and watch! (Angry face:1)

Christopher Highbury

It's ridiculous Worldwide! This not about a virus it's about Eugenics! (In my opinion)



That there are so many different vaccines in competition makes that thesis less plausible- but still not impossible! In these days of miracles and wonders we can't afford to discount any possibility. How people are encouraged to behave is one disturbing indication. It was on the news that medics vaccinating the rural southeast of this country are accompanied by teams of five "persuaders".

Fatma Tunçkaya

Timur bugün yine okula başladı, ben de kara kara ne yapacağımı düşünüyorum (resim çok güzel hocam.) (Thumbs up: 1)


HANİ mecbur tutulmayacaktık? Şimdi onlara inanalım mı? (Thumbs up: 1)


I had several other long-winded discussions over my Facebook posts, but nothing to compare with what I launched with my following post of September 26th, 2021:

Thumbs up: 19, Hearts: 5, shares: 4.

It was sketched in a cafe and gone over at home, to point out that the whole thing was turning into a regime: the way to freedom is presented as submitting to shots in the arm. The motivation for the drawing came from a public service spot on Mezzo, the French based cultural channel my mother enjoys watching. (Click here.) For all the freedom promised, the mask stays on the face! 

Such were the comments (Again, names changed.): 

Rachel Morgenstern:

Tahsin, this is a gross insult to me, my family members who died in the death camps, and to all of the people who died there. You should be ashamed of yourself.(Thumbs up: 6)


Quite the contrary, I am proud to stand up to rising fascism when I see it. Many  Germans are saying just that: "so this is how it happened"!

(Thumbs up:3)

Luc Mathieu (to Rachel Morgenstern)

The way I see it...the drawing looks like Anti Fascism to me.

Rachel Morgenstern:

Goodbye, Tahsin. You too, Luc Mathieu. You have no shame.

Ryan O'Hara:

Why are you anti vax, just curious? 

(Thumbs up: 1)

I never said I was against vaccines

Ryan O'Hara:

Then I'm confused, I guess. Fascism I am against.


These are new gene theraphies that do not work as a traditional vaccine does, put into for use way too quickly, that should only be applied to informed volunteers. Now they are forced on populations old and young in such a way that the whole thing has become a regime in itself, pushed with a promise of a "freedom" that will never come unless we demand to get it back. (Thumbs up: 2)

Ryan O'Hara:

They're not 'new' gene therapies. MRNA has been around for quite a while. Talk to Amy about that. 30+ years that technique has been around for cancer use and it's now being used in this vaccine. So it's not new. (Thumbs up: 3)
Antoine Pinaud:
Si tu parles de l'ARN messager c'est une technique découverte depuis plus de CINQUANTE ans, en 1965 un professeur a reçu le Nobel pour ces recherches. On utilise ce type de vaccination en médecine vétérinaire depuis plus de vingt ans et comme le dit monsieur O'Hara il est utilisé pour certains cancers et certaines maladies orphelines. De plus vu le nombre de gens désormais vaccinés et le temps passé, les "tests" ont été largement remplis ! Techniquement le gène n'est absolument pas touché, mon fils en classe de première pourrait te l'expliquer! D'où vient cette paranoïa complotiste pour arriver à cette ridicule conclusion d'un fascisme mondial, elle serait risible si elle n'était pas aussi pitoyable ! Et je suis d'accord avec Rachel Morgenstern, ce dessin est tout simplement une honte!
Il ne s'agit pas uniquement de la médication, mais du régime, et même toi, tu dois avoir remarqué que le monde a passé presque deux ans extraordinaires de pertes de libertés et des novelles habitudes forcées. On a parlé des plus haute lieues que rien ne sera comme avant- voir "Covid 19 and the Great Reset" (gratis sur internet) par Klaus Schwab- fondateur et directeur même du Forum Économique Mondial. Et puis on montre un pub (sur les chaines Françaises) promettant un retour à nos vies habituelles si on se laisse piquer. On insulte, on force, on diffame, on utilise la peur, toute la méthodologie de fascisme.
Si mes postes t'ennuie, tu n'est pas tenu à les regarder. Passe simplement par dessus ! Moi, j'en vois assez qui m'ennervent! Et le plupart de temps, je me tais! (Thumbs up:1)
Jérôme Beauvoir:

Salut les collègues, ça devrait vous faire rigoler tous les 2 :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sDPHQfuIIE (Thumbs up:1)
Antoine Pinaud:
Non Tahsin tes post ne m'ennuient pas sinon je n'y répondrais pas ! Mais tu ne réponds pas aux remarques sur le vaccin ARN. Tu affirmes des remarques techniques sur le vaccin et lorsqu'on te fait remarquer que tu dis des choses fausses tu n'y réponds pas et tu passes sur le confinement... Il y a un virus très virulent et très contagieux, ce n'est pas la peur c'est un fait, personne n'avait de réponses pour le combattre, alors oui la médecine a montré ses limites et est revenu à une très vieille méthode que l'on appelait avant la quarantaine et que l'on appelle maintenant le confinement, méthode qui a démontrée depuis des siècles son efficacité. Si tu en connais une autre, n'hésite pas à le faire savoir aux autorités compétentes ! Depuis les scientifiques ont mis au point un vaccin, ce covid, étant le 19ème c'est donc un virus que l'on connait et sur lequel les scientifiques travaillent depuis longtemps mais il n'y avait pas eu nécessité du vaccin. La technique ARN étant elle aussi connue depuis longtemps ils l'ont alors utilisée sur ce vaccin pour plus d'efficacité, espèrent-ils. Depuis plus d'un siècle, c'est avec la technique du vaccin que l'Humanité combat efficacement les pandémies et un certains nombre de ces vaccins sont obligatoires en France et dans d'autres pays, je ne vois pas où est le problème!... Certains pays pauvres ne peuvent accéder aux vaccins, parfois même il n'y a pas de vaccins pour des pandémies qui se déclarent dans les pays pauvres qui ne pourront pas payer le dit vaccin, ça c'est un vrai problème ! Et nous, comme des enfants gâtés, on pleure, parce qu'on nous confine et qu'on nous dit qu'il faut se vacciner ! Et nous, comme des enfants capricieux, on pleure parce que tu comprends, on voudrait bien redevenir des êtres consuméristes, parce que là tu vois, il n'y a pas de fascisme, juste du "plaisir"... Et nous, comme des enfants ignares qui adorons se faire peur, l'ennui peut-être, on compare une campagne vaccinale, destinée à nous protéger, avec le nazisme, destiné à tuer des gens, et il l'a fait, juste parce qu'ils sont juifs, tsiganes, communistes ou handicapés ! C'est une HONTE, et parfois il est nécessaire de savoir se taire, de passer par dessus, de se renseigner peut-être, d'accepter les limites de ses connaissances et de faire confiance! (Thumbs up: 1, Laughing Head: 2)
Me: (to Jérôme Beauvoir)

Merci Jérôme! Je viens de trouver quelques minutes et je l'ai regardé. Trés à propos! (Hug: 1)
Me: (to Antoine Pinaud)

Je te dois pardon de n'avoir pas repondu tout de suite. Je ne suis pas habitué à faire face à tant de réaction quand je fais un dessin pour exprimer mes sentiments, et en fin de compte, j'ai d'autres choses à faire que de passer des heures en tapant sur les touches ou ce petit écran. Il y a assez des gens, des médecins, des épidémiologues, mais aussi des sociologues, des psychologues, des juristes, qui se sont exprimés sur le sujet, même en français; tu dois en être au courant. Si tu veux que j'écrive ici tout ce que j'ai appris, j'ai lu, j'ai observé pendant presque deux ans, et en Français, trouvant les traductions de toute la términologie médicale, épidémiologue, microbiologique et téchnique, et bien, tu dois bien attendre. Mais je peut te dire ceci: je suis contre la téchnique génétique utilisée pour ces drogues parce qu'il s'agit d'un processus aberrant (introdure une code génétique dans la cellule même) forcé sur des gens sains, et ça par milliers.
Mon dessin, par contre, critique moins le vaccin en soi que le régime que je vois croitre autour d'une maladie survecue par plus de %97 de ceux qui ont été infécté. (J'ai fait un calcul selon les données du WHO.)
Antoine Pinaud:
Excuse moi aussi du retard, si il y a autant de réaction devant ton dessin peut être que c'est parce qu'il est extrêmement violent et dangereux, mais je t'ai déjà expliqué cela. Manifestement tu n'y es pas sensible, je trouve cela regrettable. J'aime beaucoup cette soi-disant longue liste de "spécialistes" sans même un seul nom... Le vaccin n'introduit aucun code génétique dans la cellule mais cela aussi je te l'ai déjà dit, je pourrais te poster plein de sites scientifiques qui t'expliquent cela mais je vois bien que tu ne veux pas y croire, que tu cherches plutôt des sites qui vont dans le sens de tes peurs. Si tu ne veux pas, on peut rien faire. Maintenant sur le régime qui croît autour du vaccin là aussi on est dans le vague, tu fais planer une menace rien de plus où encore une fois il s'agit de se faire peur. Si tu ne peux pas, ou ne veux pas être plus précis et engager une discussion, là aussi on est encore dans le complotisme, on cherche à se faire peur. La Corée du Nord est une dictature, la Turquie est passée du côté obscur, la France et bien d'autres pays, pas encore. Maintenant si on continue à se faire peur nous irons droit à la dictature et c'est terrifiant, ton dessin qui un horrible amalgame contribue à ce complotisme. Regarde ta dernière phrase: " on va vacciner des gens contre une maladie qui tue 3% de la population", il y a là tous les sous -entendues complotistes car si on traduit clairement ta phrase ça veut dire qu'il existe un complot MONDIAL avec tous les organismes extra gouvernementales complices, avec des chiffres publiques qui démontreraient clairement ce complot... En plus d'être méchants ils seraient idiots !
Bon, commençons avec ce que c'est qu'une chaine "ARN messager". Ici on explique ce que c'est dans la nature, sans touchant le sujet de vaccins. Des chaines copiés à partir de nos ADN pour transmettre les instructions ("messages") pour fabrication des proteins dans nos cellules. Pour moi, ce sont des codes génétiques. https://youtu.be/pnYNsbCWBLg
J'ajoute celui ci, un appel qui vient d'Israel. https://youtu.be/WMsn0bj_P6o
Pour le reste, tu dois attendre. J'ai trop à faire pendant les deux semaines qui viennent.
Antoine Pinaud:
Tashin tu montres ce qui se passe de la cellule vers l'extérieur, le vaccin c'est pas le chemin inverse, enfin tout à fait mais presque... Regarde ça, c'est simplifié mais ça t'explique comment ça marche https://youtu.be/3W7qxUGB5ZQ
Antoine Pinaud:
Pour ton horrible cri from Israël cette dame se pose d'emblée comme victime, on lui interdit tout parce qu'elle a fait le choix de ne pas se faire vacciner. Mais une autre question se pose, celle des conséquences de son choix: si son choix n'a aucune incidence sur l'autre, pas de problème, mais si son choix a une incidence sur l'autre, en vertu de quoi l'autre doit subir ce choix qui n'est pas le sien, pourquoi son choix l'emporterait sur le choix de l'autre, peut-être même sur la vie de l'autre ? Il y a un débat que les anti vaccin refusent de mener: celui de la liberté individuelle versus l'intérêt collectif ! Pour dédramatiser prenons l'exemple de quelqu'un qui écoute sa musique à un volume très fort, parce qu'il estime que c'est comme ça que l'on doit écouter la musique et qu'il est chez lui et qu'il fait ce qu'il veut, tous ses voisins doivent donc se taire parce que c'est son choix? Nous sommes en train de ré-apprendre que nous ne sommes pas seul, que l'autre est à côté de nous et que nous devons en tenir compte, que nous devons discuter sinon c'est l'affrontement, qui parfois peut être nécessaire. Mais dans ce monde où on n'a cessé pas de nier l'autre, dans ce monde où l'on n'a pas cessé de nous répéter que c'est "moi" qui important, que "nous" n'existe pas et que "il" est le gêneur, je trouve que cette pandémie pourrait nous faire du bien ! Mais mon intime conviction, au delà de cette mauvaise habitude de l'égocentrisme, c'est la peur qui parle...  
Bon, j’ai un peu de temps pour te répondre. Puisque tu tiens absolument que je te donne des noms, en voilà une liste, forcement incomplète vu que je devais revenir sur mes pas à travers 19 mois. Tu vas dire que tel ou tel n’est pas à prendre au serieux, que tel ou tel autre a déjà été diffamé, que tu a lu de “fact checks” sur des les autres. Pour moi, ce ne seront que autant de preuves de la répression que je sens monter autour de nous, une répression bien emballée dans les papiers orné 
de toute les couleurs d’une technologie futuriste.
Coté médicale: (vaccination, traitement)
Clemens Arvay (biologue), Dr. Sucharid Bhakdi (epidemologue) u. Karina Reiss (biochimiste), Dr.Bilgehan Bilge (neurochirurgie), Prof. Dolores Cahill (science translationelle), Dr. Serhat Fındık (maladies pulmonaires), Dr. Gülümser Heper (cardiologue), Dr. Claus Köhnlein (interniste)
Strategie autour de vaccination et/ ou traitement (en principe, pas contre vaccination)
Dr. John Campbell (infirmier), Dr. Michael Levitt (biophysique), Dr. Keith Moran (médecine interne)
Coté sociologique, psychologique:
Dr. Raphael Bonelli (psychiatriste), Prof. Mattias Desmat, (psychologie Cinique), Prof. Norman Fenton, (gestion des informations sur le risque)
Coté politique, sociale:
Russel Brand, commentateur, Dr. Neva Çiftçioğlu-Banes (astrobiologue), Gunnar Kaiser (écrivain, commentateur), Herbert Kickl (politicien), Dr. Carrie Madej (medecine interne), Cristophe Hörstel (commentateur, politicien), Daniele Ganser (historien), Jochen Kirchhoff (philosophe, écrivain, journaliste d’investigation), John O’Looney (morticien),Hüseyin Vodinalı (écrivain, auteur de recherche), Sahra Wagenknecht (politicienne),Hamza Yazıcıoğlu (écrivain, journaliste d’investigation)
Pour les médecins contre la vaccination des enfants voir:
Le video que j’ai attaché avait pour but d’éxpliquer ce que c’est qu’une chaine ARN messager; une chaine génétique portant une certain information, ergo, une code génétique. Dans la nature, les copies sont generées dès nos genomes et envoyées du noyau vers l’interieur de notre cellule, où elles sont reproduites selon les “méssages”, un processus assez miraculeux, même divin. Les “vaccins” introduisent des chaines artificellement reconstituées depuis l’éxtérieur. On dit qu’il est impossible que ses chaines s’introduisent dans le noyau, où nos ADN resteront bien protégés. Je suis au courant de toute cette argumentation. Bien, tu peut avoir confidence en ce que disent les autorités, mois, je dis qu’il peut existér des éffets imprevus, sinon dans le noyau, peut être bien dans les cellules même, surtout quand on pense que ses chaines ARNm doivent être encapsulés dans d’autres substances (“lipid nanoparticles”) afin de pouvoir les introduire dans les cellules malgré leur résistance naturelle contre telles intrusions. Super technique contre une maladie mortelle mais comme mesure preventive pour les gens sains- je ne sais pas! Et forcer ça sur les gens, comme unique et seul moyen de reprendre la libérté qui nous était prise, et utilisant tout ses mésures pour établir une nouvelle ordre mondiale (c’est pas MOI qui ai inventé l’idée du “Grand Reset”, qui ai imposé une vie digitalisée sur les trés jeunes comme les personnes agées, qui ai developpé des systémes de surveilances sophistiqués omnipresents!) il y a de quoi être inquiet!
Tu me donne l’exemple de quelqu’un qui derange ses voisins en jouant la musique d’un volume trop élevé. Moi je te repondrai en citant l’exemple de mettre tout les oeufs dans un seul panier. Les exemples ne s’épuisent pas.
Voilà les chiffres: 
Taux de mortalité parmi les personnes testées positives:
Totalité mondiale des cas jusqu’au aujour d’hui (22/10/2021): 241 886 635
4 919 755= %2,03
Guerisons: %97,97
(Chiffres: WHO Coronavirus Dashboard https://www.who.int/ )
Risque de mourir d’un accident de véhicule à moteur, (Etats Unis, 2019): 1 sur 107 sur TOUTE UNE POPULATION, c’est à dire % 0,93. (NSC Odds of Dying https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/.../preventabl.../odds-of-dying/ )
Pour le cancer le risque monte à 1 sur 7.
On continue à fabriquer et vendre des voitures et des cigarettes!
Un copain Italien que je connais depuis des années participe aus maniféstations contre les mesures, surtout le pass; voilà quelques mots que j’ai tire d’un message qu’il m’a envoyé quelques jours auparavant (avec sa permission bien sûr):
“…repression is rampant, and in my college I am constantly monitored and singled out because I did not get the infamous jabs… well, I am determined to resist like my father did, he spent 2 and a half years in a German concentration camp… many of his companions died in the most horrific ways… his generation paid with their blood a heavy price… not to mention the underrated partisans… Well, this is another very important call… hope we will resist and turn the evil tide. ‘Ora e sempre RESISTENZA!!’ So long my precious friend.”
Tu vas trouver toutes sortes de fautes avec son raisonnement, tout comme moi trouvant des fautes avec les tiens. C’est normal. Il n’est pas possible d’être de même avis sur tous les propos, pas necessaire non plus!
En fin de compte, tu dois admettre que je ne suis pas un cas unique, il en a tellement d’autres, et que toi aussi, tu est obligé, comme tout le monde, d’accepter qu’il y a des gens qui voient les choses autrement. Tu veut me faire taire? Pour quel but? Tu n’y arriveras pas. Moi, j’ai aucun preténtion de pouvoir forcer des gens à penser autrement, mais j’insiste sur mon droit de partager mes pensées, d’exprimer mes séntiments. (Thumbs up: 1)
Antoine Pinaud
Merci Tashin pour les noms mais tu dois bien imaginer que je pourrai en donner aussi, alors qui a raison?... En préambule je ne veux faire taire personne, je n'en ai ni l'envi, ni d'intérêts, ni le pouvoir de le faire, je trouve d'ailleurs très étrange que tu le penses, toujours cette idée de grand complot?... Ce que j'ai dit c'est que ton parallèle entre les vaccins et le système nazi est honteux et je continue de le dire (relis mes postes pour la démonstration !) et qu'il est bon de se taire au lieu de poster de telles horreurs même sur un sujet qui t'énerves, c'est mon avis, souffres que je l'exprime aussi ! Mais tu es libre de poster tes opinions! Je ne sais pas si tu connais l'histoire de Charlie Hebdo: le dessin polémique représente le prophète Mahomet avec une bombe sous son turban, c'est un dessin honteux car il sous entend que tous les musulmans sont des terroristes, mais Charlie Hebdo l'a publié pour défendre la liberté de la presse, pas pour défendre le dessin, ni le message qu'il véhicule; "je suis Charlie" (et je le suis) c'est accepté ce principe et faire la part des choses ! Je n'ai pas de leçons à recevoir sur la liberté d'expression et rassures toi je ne suis payé par aucun laboratoires pharmaceutiques ou autres lobbies malveillants... Maintenant ne pas être d'accord avec une opinion c'est aussi la liberté d'opinion, combattre une pensée, cette impression du grand complot, c'est aussi la liberté d'opinion. Que tu ne sois pas un cas unique je ne le sais que trop bien et c'est effrayant, pas parce qu'il y a différentes opinions, ça c'est la force de la démocratie, mais parce que cette opinion, cette peur irrationnelle qui en arrive à imaginer ce ridicule grand complot mondial est effrayante! Dans les années 1930 une pensée toute aussi irrationnelle, basée elle aussi sur la peur, a gagné la majorité de la population allemande... Et il y avait des gens très instruits et même des raisons valables dans le discours nazi mais ce qui prédominait c'était cette idée du grand complot juif. Je ne dis pas que les anti vaccins sont des nazis, je dis juste que lorsque l'irrationnel entre à ce point dans le débat c'est effrayant, il n'y a plus de raisonnement il n'y a que de la réaction viscérale ! Encore une fois la technique de l'ARNm est utilisée depuis plus de vingt ans en médecine vétérinaire et aussi sur l'homme pour les maladies rares, ne penses-tu pas que s'il y avait eu des effets indésirables graves et dans une majorité de ces populations, ils n'auraient pas mis le vaccin sur le marché ? Comment peux-tu imaginer qu'il existe des savants fous, qui en accord avec des dirigeants politique, fous aussi alors, s'amuseraient à injecter un tel vaccin ? À moins de penser que l'on nous injecte des puces électroniques avec lesquels ils nous gouverneront ! Tu peux exprimer toutes les pensées que tu veux, je ne force personne à quoi que ce soit, je n'en ai pas non plus la prétention, mais j'insiste sur mon droit à ne pas être d'accord avec une pensée, de la contredire, d'exprimer ce désaccord, d'exprimer ainsi ma pensée, de discuter ce qui est le corollaire et l'avantage que nous offre la liberté d'expression, n'en déplaise à certains.
Antoine Pinaud:
Quand au grand reset et au nouvel ordre mondial c'est une autre question et là aussi c'est drôle et inquiétant que tu fasses la confusion...


Bien sûr que tu peux donner des noms- je les ai donnés parce que tu m'avais demandé. "J'aime beaucoup cette soi-disant longue liste de 'spécialistes' sans même un seul nom" m'avais tu dit et je me suis efforcé à retrouver une partie des noms. Pour le "Reset" et le "Nouvel Ordre", j'ai déjà dit, tout au debut de cette discussion, que c'était Klaus Schwab lui même qui a fait la connection dans son livre intitulé "Covid 19 and the Great Reset". Ici une partie du texte, tirée d'introduction:
"... Radical changes of such consequence are coming that some pundits have referred to a 'before coronavirus' (BC) and 'after coronavirus' (AC) era. We will continue to be surprised by both the rapidity and unexpected nature of these changes- as they conflate with each other, they will provoke second-, third-, fourth- and more order consequences, cascading effects and unforseen outcomes. In so doing, they will shape a 'new normal' radically different from the one we will be progressively leaving behind. Many of our beliefs and assumptions about what the world could or should look like will be shattered in the process... " Je trouve qu'il y a là de quoi mettre la puce à l'oreille.

Je n'ai pas lu "Sapiens" et Homo Deus", les deux fameux bouquins du "historien du futur", Prof. Juval Harari, mais j'ai écouté plusiurs de ses discours, et je trouve sa vision terrifiante. Tu peut dire que ce qu'il raconte n'a rien à voir avec le "Reset", ni avec le program de vaccination en masse mais ce sont des faits et des idées qui sont apparus dans la même époque. (Et ce sont les videos "complotistes" qui m'ont mises au courant de M. Harari et ses idées.) M. Harari est assez calme en racontant sa vision, au point qu'on se demande s'il trouve un tel futur agréable. Mais à la fin de ses discours il rajoute quelques phrases comme clauses de non-responsabilité: "Je ne dit pas que tout celà n'est pas incontournable. Si un tel futur ne vous plait pas, faites quelque chose!“
Et ceci est ma façon de faire quelque chose! 
Antoine Pinaud:
Je ne comprends pas ce que dit Schwab si ce n'est une suite d'affirmation, de "questionnements" avec un semblant de conclusion qui laisse planer un doute... Un vrai scénario de film d'horreur ! J'ai commencé à lire Sapiens et je ne suis pas encore arrivé au chapitre "complotiste"... Dès que j'y suis je t'en reparlerai, mais là encore tu es extrêmement vague sur ta vision de ton horrible futur, tu sous entends qu'il y a un danger, que toi à ton niveau tu es un véritable résistant mais on ne sait pas précisément de quoi tu parles si ce n'est une très vague menace, des un tel à dit... Des vaccinations à un niveau mondial ça a déjà existé, nous sommes en dictature ? Des obligations à se faire vacciner existent déjà, sommes nous en dictature ? Autrefois il existait la quarantaine, sommes nous en dictature, et si nous l'étions il y a eu alors des révolutions !! Encore une fois le problème posé par le vaccin c'est intérêt individuel vs intérêt collectif ou on peut en tout cas le voir comme ça. Le monde est dominé par le fait que quelqu'un est défini seulement comme consommateur, et un seul type de consommation bien stéréotypée, le même partout dans le monde, le téléphone, les réseaux soi disant sociaux, etc, etc... Mais non le plus grave c'est ce très vague complotisme... Je ne comprends rien
Lit "Homo Deus", ou pour dépêcher les choses, écoute ses discours, il y en a plainement sur YouTube. Tu dis que je suis vague, pourtant j'ai essayé de trouver une réponse à TOUTES tes questions, et citer des sources!
Après avoir lu, ou écouté, le futur selon M. Harari et l'avenement du "Homo Deus", dit moi ce que tu en pense. Je peut t'en donner des "links". 
Antoine Pinaud:
Je finis le livre d'abord, merci. (Thumb up:1)

Elisabetha Bayer: (Commenting the drawing.)

Tobias Flach: (To my comment above: "Quite the contrary, I am proud to stand up to rising fascism when I see it. Many  Germans are saying just that: 'so this is how it happened'"!)
Not many! 


I heard them!

Tobias Flach:

They’re loud sometimes. I know.
Most of them suffer from botched lives and are looking for a forum for their complaint
Von wem sprichst du eigentlich?
Tobias Flach:
Von der Behauptung in Kommentar Nr. 2
"Many are saying 'so this is how how it happened". Hab'ich recht?
"Most of them suffer from botched lives and are looking for a forum for their complaint", und nur deswegen, vermutest du, sind sie gegen diese weltweite Zwangsregime? (Was uns auch trifft!)
Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben daß ich dich richtig verstanden habe! Wie kann man nur so unhöflich sein gegenüber seinen eigenen Mitbürger, eigenen Mitmenschen, die legitime Sorgen und Ängste haben? Bist du auch vielleicht ein Beispiel dafür, was ich mich dagegen wehren muß?

Hans Wächter:
Da kann ich nicht mehr folgen, manche faschistische Ärzte haben bewusst verbrecherisch in Kauf genommen, dass Patienten sterben, sogar die entsprechende Dosis in Versuchen an lebenden Menschen "erforscht", furchtbar!
Das ist in der Zeichnung ein nicht passender Vergleich mit den C.-Impfungen, bei denen es um Lebenserhalten geht - ich vertraue denen dabei.
Es ist sicher schwer, wenn man sich nicht impfen lassen möchte (jedermanns gutes Recht in meinen Augen und eine Schande, dass so Druck ausgeübt wird),
nicht ebenso unsachlich zu werden.
Außerdem halte ich Dir zugute, dass man als Karrikaturist auch mal daneben haut.
Zeichnen bleibt immer eine Gradwanderung - gerade öffentlich.
Um Impfgegner zu isolieren, werden sie in Deutschland gern in die rechte Ecke gestellt.
Manche wahrscheinlich zu recht, aber man muss das trennen.
In Deiner Zeichnung vermischst Du das, was es nicht klarer macht.
Rechte Parteien sind übrigens hier in D. eher gegen Impfpflicht und nutzen das sogar in ihrer Politik gegen die bisher herrschenden Parteien.
Satire muss alles dürfen - hier habe ich mal wieder so meine Zweifel...
Trotzdem freue ich mich auf neue zeichnerische Kommentare von Dir zum Zeitgeschehen! (Thumbs up: 2)
Danke, Hans, das war höflich, und so kann man weiter diskutieren. In vielen Sachen sind wir sowieso einverstanden.
Was mein Gleichnis angeht, ich wollte betonen, mit allem möglichen Druck, das die Coronapolitik eine Regime in sich geworden ist; eine Regime die über die Grenzen hinaus regiert.
Die Nazionalsozialisten haben nicht gesagt "wählt uns, wir wollen abermillionen umbringen und Deutschland in einen Weltkrieg einziehen". Die haben eine “bessere neue Ordnung” gezielt, und um alle “Schädlinge”, alle “nutzlose Menschen” wegzuschaffen haben sie millionen vernichtet- einer “besseren Welt” wegen. “Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel”, sozusagen. Um sowas durchsetzen zu können haben sie die leute Angst einjagen müssen. ("Man braucht nichts zu tun, als dem Volk zu sagen, es würde angegriffen, und den Pazifisten ihren Mangel an Patriotismus vorzuwerfen und zu behaupten, sie brächten das Land in Gefahr. Diese Methode funktioniert in jedem Land”. Göring, zitiert im “Nürnberger Tagebuch”, Gustav M. Gilbert, Gerictsphsychologe. Ersetzt einfach “Angriff” mit “Pandemie” und “”Patriotismus” mit “Solidarität”, dann hast du’s). Ich bin nicht ein vereinzelter “Verschwörungstheoretiker”, der eine Zusammenhang zwischen die jetzige ansteckende Krankheit und die Gründung einer neuen Ordnung argumentiert; schon der Titel des Buches vom Herrn Klaus Schwab, Gründer und geschäftsführender Vorsitzender des Weltwirtschafteforums, lautet “Covid 19 and the Great Reset”:
“…Radical changes of such consequence are coming that some pundits have referred to a “before coronavirus” (BC) and “after coronavirus” (AC) era. We will continue to be surprised by both the rapidity and unexpected nature of these changes – as they conflate with each other, they will provoke second-, third-, fourth- and more-order consequences, cascading effects and unforeseen outcomes. In so doing, they will shape a ‘new normal’ radically different from the one we will be progressively leaving behind. Many of our beliefs and assumptions about what the world could or should look like will be shattered in the process…” (Aus der Einleitung).
Das Versprechen, wir ein Leben wie zuvor haben widerbekkomen werden falls wir nur alle das Zeug eingespritzt bekommen, ist also schon ausgeschlossen! (Die nervende Fernsehwerbung aus Frankreich habe ich im Sinn.)
Auch mit den besten Absichten, wenn etwas schiefgeht mit der Masseninjektionen, wird millionen zu Schade kommen. Das Risiko ist enorm, grossen Massen zu sowas zu zwingen ist schon Kriminell!
Wenn das Schlimmste nicht kommt, und ich hoffe es kommt nichts zu schlimmes, ist es nicht weniger wahr daß Covid ein Regime in sich geworden ist. Mit Druck und Werbung sind neue Lebensarten entstanden- getrennt, elektonisch, digitalisiert- die nie rückgängig gemacht werden.
Die Erpressungen, Diffamierungen, Zensur, die Aggresivität seitens der Mainstream Medien, die “Mobbing” die sogar seinen eigenen Freunden üben- sind die nicht alle typische Merkmäle des Faschismus?
Als ich eine Skizze gegen Kinderimpfung hochgeladen habe, bekam ich den ersten Schlag ins Gesicht, und da von amerikanischen “Freunden”, die alle für “Demokratie” sind! Aber die da dürfen alles schreiben, mitteilen, und jeden beschimpfen der nicht zustimmt. Kommt das dir nicht bekannt vor?
Ein Staatsanwalt in der Türkei wollte die Gerüchte rum um die Coronapolitik untersuchen, (Eyüp Akbulut, in Mai 2021) und war unverzüglich seines Amtes entoben. Gehört das in einer Demokratie?
Genau in dem Zeitpunkt hat der Herr Uğur Şahin, durch Telekonferenztechnologie, in einer Sitzung unserers “Wissenschaftskomitees” teilgenommen. Bis dahin haben wir traditionelle (inaktive Viren) “Sinovac” Impfstoffe aus China bekommen; seitdem kommen massenweise “Biontech-Pfizer” Impfstoffe importiert. Jetzt heißt es, auch diejengen, die ihre doppelte Dosis Sinovac bekommen haben, müssen einmal Biontech dazubekommen, und später vielleicht noch mehr. Das genetische Zeug muß unbedingt drin!
Gerade neulich bekamen wir die Nachricht daß in İzmir ein Baby, gerade 30 Tage alt, "aus Versehen" mit Biontech gespritzt worden war. (Es soll am 1. Juni geschehen sein.) "Die Ergebnisse weden publiziert" heißt es!
Du weisst schon, was ich mit Nachnamen heiße.
Beste Grüße, Freund, und danke fürs Zuhören!
Hans Wächter:
Lieber Tahsin, ich lese es mir nochmal in Ruhe durch alles, danke für die Antwort.
Soviel schonmal: für mich geht die offizielle Behauptung von "Nein, wir haben keine Impfpflicht" nicht zusammen mit dem voranschreitenden Ausschließen von Menschen, die sich gegen eine Impfung entschieden haben.
Begründet wird es immer mit - sie haben ja die Wahl, sich impfen zu lassen und wieder an allem öffentlichen teilzunehmen.
Warum nennt man es dann dann nicht gleich Impfpflicht... für mich ist das sehr verlogen.
Ich vermeide aus Protest, auch wenn geimpft, so viele Orte wie möglich, wo 2G festgelegt wurde.
Leider betrifft das auch ein paar Festivals und Musikveranstaltungen.
Für Musiker kommt das einem Berufsverbot gleich, wenn sie sich nicht impfen lassen möchten. Von wegen freiwillig... (Thumbs up: 2)


Danke, Hans.

Lamia Karakoyun:

(Clapping hands.)

Gabe Carpaccino:

Thank you Gabe. Just trying to find the truth! (Thumbs up: 2)
Gabe Carpaccio: 
This is not just about the injections, and I very much hope our fears are unfounded- so many friends and relatives have received it. (Only one casualty so far- the father of a friend got a blod clot in his brain and died.) It is about this turning into a regime, with the return of our rights and freedoms being dangled like a carrot to make us comply, and to make us coax others to comply, thus bring about a "new normal" that cannot be debated or discussed.
Gabe Carpaccio:

DISGUSTING, he was murdered.
Sorry not taking your needle im too smart for your phoney hoax, science and the numbers all PHONEY.
ive seen it coming for a long time, im prepared. 😁
Have a nice day.
Gabe Carpaccio:
FANTASTIC drawing of course!

Владимиром Петрович

А разве не удивительно, что те кому было абсолютно безразлично ваше здоровье и социальное состояние, вдруг неожиданно так живо "озаботились" вашим здоровьем, навязывая обязательное внедрение в ваш организм бактерию этого же вируса, минуя 3 слоя природной иммунной защиты, вашего собственного организма..
Вы вроде бы вышли из средневекового образа жизни и менталитета... но заметьте, как страхом перед "пандемией" вас очень быстро опустились на тот же самый уровень и расслоили на разного рода враждующие фракции, где вы спорите кидаясь на родных, знакомых, давних друзей и тех кто не желает уродовать свой организм и становиться инвалидом, внедряя в него неизвестно что, под грифом "всеобщая вакцинация". У вас лично, есть возможность независимо проверить что именно вам вкалывают и как именно это в будущем отразиться на вашем здоровье и состоянии организма...?
Зато вы так легко порываете с тем, кто пытается открыть вам ваши глаза, на происходящий геноцид и беспредел..
Is it not surprising that those who were absolutely indifferent to your health and social state, suddenly, unexpectedly, so vividly "took care" of your health, imposing the obligatory introduction of a bacterium of the same virus into your body, bypassing 3 layers of natural immune defense, of your own body ..
You seem to have left the medieval lifestyle and mentality ... but notice how the fear of a "pandemic" very quickly lowered you to the same level and stratified into all sorts of warring factions, where you argue throwing yourself at your relatives, acquaintances, old friends and those who do not want to disfigure their body and become disabled, introducing into it no one knows what, under the heading "universal vaccination". You personally have the opportunity to independently check what exactly they are injecting you and how exactly this will affect your health and the state of the body in the future ...?
But you so easily break with those who are trying to open your eyes to the ongoing genocide and lawlessnes. (Thumbs up: 1)


The Facebook translation is problematic but thank you! 
Oh you put an English version as well. Very thoughtful!
José Dominguez:
I love this drawing. The false pandemonium and false virus. Is a toxic for the human brain, your name is graphene oxide. 
May be an image of text that says 'YOLO YOLOSE YO SÉ'